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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 總算懂了健身運動-英語


日期:2019-10-01 16:45:00     瀏覽:88    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  英國人非常喜愛運動,尤其是具有競技性質(zhì)的體育運動。英國人即使在不運動、不觀看比賽的時候,也很自然地談?wù)擉w育運動。英式足球和橄欖球是在英國很盛行的球類體育運動。其他經(jīng)常進行的運動項目有賽馬和高爾夫球等等,此外還有釣魚、射擊、打獵、賽船、賽狗、臺球等小型運動和游戲?! 〕S帽磉_   1. I learned some karate for self-defense and I learned some shadow-boxing. I think shadow-boxing can make you feel at peace. In addition to emphasizing matching the movements with your breathing, it is good for your health too.   我學過一點空手道,是用來防身的。另外還學過一點太極拳。我覺得打太極拳可以使人心境平和,加上它注重呼吸配合動作。對健康也有好處。   2. I have kept up my judo because it not only keeps me fitbut also helps me to concentrate through meditation.   我一直在練柔道,因為它不僅使我保持健康,而且也幫助我經(jīng)由冥思來集中精神。   3. Our favorite game at the skating rink is playing "dragon",in which a group of people skate together and someone who skates very well leads us from the front while heskates backwards.   我們喜歡在溜冰場玩“接龍”,那就是一群人連在一起溜冰,由一個很會溜冰的人倒退著在前面帶著。   4. The doctor told me to get more exercise, and so I joineda swimming club. Our club meets on Tuesdays and Fridays.   醫(yī)生告訴我要多運動,所以我參加了游泳俱樂部。我們的俱樂部每周二、五聚會。   5. I learned to swim when I was still in elementary school,and a dozen times the length of our local pool is no problem.   I'm best at the crawl, but I enjoy the breast stroke, too.   我還在念*的時候就學會游泳了,游我們那里游泳池的12倍長沒有問題。我擅長隨意游了,但是也喜歡蛙泳。   6. I have joined a tennis club, and have to pay pretty high membership fees. Tennis keeps you fit because you have to use every muscle in your body.   我加入了一家網(wǎng)球俱樂部,得付相當高的會費。網(wǎng)球使你保持健康,因為你得用到身體每一塊肌肉。   7. I can play baseball and I was on the baseball team evenwhen I was in elementary school, and while in college also represented my school in competitions.   我會打棒球,我在*的時候就參加了棒球隊,*的時候曾代表學校參加過比賽。

健身運動 英語

?   情景對話   A: I think sports are good for health and everybody should take exercise.   B: I quite agree with you. Many students don't move enough.   A: You're absolutely right. What's your favorite sport?   B: It's hard to say. I like swimming, playing basketball and table tennis.   A: Really? I like table tennis, too. Do you often play it?   B: Yes, quite a lot. Why not play together sometime?   A: That's a good idea.   A:我認為運動對身體有好處,每個人都應該進行鍛煉。   B:我很贊同你的意見。但是很多學生沒有進行足夠的運動。   A:你說得太對了。你喜歡什么運動?   B:很難說。我喜歡游泳,打籃球,打乒乓球。   A:真的嗎?我也喜歡打乒乓球。你經(jīng)常打嗎?   B:是啊.我總打。什么時候一起打吧?   A:太好了。