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日期:2019-08-21 18:32:51     瀏覽:318    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者


用人工智能養(yǎng)豬?阿里巴巴“農(nóng)業(yè)大腦”助力農(nóng)牧業(yè) | 雙語閱讀

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Artificial intelligence is coming to the farmyard: helping ensure active pigs, lean bacon and improved crop yields.


Photo credit: Getty Images

Alibaba, the Chinese tech giant that is using artificial intelligence to help cities and its own ecommerce operation run more efficiently, is taking the same technologies — including voice recognition and smart sensors — to monitorhogs’ activity and prune costs at apple orchards.


“Agriculture and animal husbandry industry is a strategic sector and matters to the lives of billions across China,” said Simon Hu, president of Alibaba Cloud. The country is the world’s biggest supplier and consumer of pork.

“農(nóng)牧業(yè)是戰(zhàn)略性行業(yè),關(guān)系到*十多億人的生活,”阿里云(Alibaba Cloud)總裁胡曉明說。*是世界*的豬肉供應(yīng)國和消費國。

① hog [h?g] n. 豬;貪食者 vt. 拱起;多占

例句:U. S. hog producers have already been struggling financially for more than a year due to poor prices and high feed costs. 因為價格不景氣,飼料價格高,美國豬生產(chǎn)商已經(jīng)歷了一年多的經(jīng)濟(jì)困難時期。

② prune [pru?n] v. 減少;修剪;刪去 n. 梅干

例句:The Philippine government has urged the return of gems worth more than $310m, and including a Burmese ruby said to be as big as a prune. 菲律賓*已敦促將價值超過3.1億美元的寶石歸還給馬科斯夫人,其中包括一顆據(jù)說大如李子的緬甸紅寶石。

Screenshot: et.aliyun.com


However, it is far from the only company bringing some of the world’s newest technologies to bear on one of its most ancient industries. Fonterra, the New Zealand-based dairy farming co-operative, is using data analytics to route its fleet of milk tankers while Salesforce, the biggest “software as a service” company, is counting more farming groups among its clients.


③ bear on 壓迫;與…有關(guān);對…有影響;瞄準(zhǔn)

例句:His story does not bear on the question. 他的故事和這個問題無關(guān)。

Screenshot: fonterra.com

“Agtech goes from the seed in the ground all the way to the dinner table,” said Tiffani Bova, who goes by the title of innovation evangelist at Salesforce. She lists smart tractors that send an alert when a part is faulty and know at which row to switch from corn to soyabeans, through to managing the supply chain.

“人工智能科技從土地里的種子一路應(yīng)用到餐桌?!钡俜?博瓦(Tiffani Bova)說,她在Salesforce的職位是創(chuàng)新宣傳大使。她舉出了智能拖拉機的例子,這些拖拉機能在一個部件出現(xiàn)故障時報警,知曉哪一排種植物從玉米換成了大豆,管理供應(yīng)鏈。

④ evangelist [?'v?n(d)?(?)l?st] n. 福音傳道者;推廣專員

例句:Steve Allison, a technical evangelist at Adobe, the software company, predicts significant changes in online learning. 軟件公司Adobe技術(shù)專員史蒂夫-阿利森預(yù)測,在線學(xué)習(xí)將發(fā)生重大變革。

Photo credit: Getty Images


Alibaba is using AI technologies and smart sensors to monitor each hog’s activity and state of health — data that will then be analysed and turned into a real-time report card for the pigs: more exercise for slothful ones that need to burn fat and grow more meat, say, or increasing feed for pregnantsows.


The technology will also be able to detect sick hogs and collect data allowing the farmer to create the optimum environment for the herd, crops ororchards.


⑤ slothful ['sl??θf?l] adj. 懶惰的;遲鈍的

例句:Designed to improve people's health, the contest saw the most slothful people transformed into the most powerful athletes. 該比賽旨在促進(jìn)人們的身體健康,讓人們“從懶漢變成健兒”。

⑥ sow [s??] v. 播種;散布 n. 母豬

例句: Tiger cubs sit in their feeding pen with a sow, who has become their surrogate mother, at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Pattaya, Thailand. 在泰國芭提雅的拉差龍虎園里,虎寶寶們與一只母豬臥在籠子里,這只母豬就是它們的臨時媽媽。

⑦ orchard ['??t??d] n. 果園;果樹林

例句:Orchards should not be established in areas with high rust-incidence. 果園不應(yīng)設(shè)立在銹病率發(fā)生高的地區(qū)。

Photo credit: Getty Images

Alibaba reckons its self-styled “agricultural brain” could lead to three more piglets being born per sow and cut the newborn death rate. That would lift the pigs per sow per year to 32, bringing China in line with advanced pig-farming countries — a handy increase in supply for consumers at a time of higher tariffs on US pork.


⑧ self-styled ['self'staild] adj. 自詡的,自封的

例句:So naive too was a self-styled "realism" that said post Iraq and Afghanistan Britain should avoid all overseas entanglements. 同樣天真的是一種自封的“現(xiàn)實主義”,認(rèn)為英國在經(jīng)歷伊拉克和阿富汗戰(zhàn)爭后,應(yīng)當(dāng)避免所有海外糾葛。

⑨ piglet ['p?ɡl?t] n. 小豬;豬仔

例句:A giant farm dog and a tiny piglet in Germany cuddle up as if they were family after the baby pig was abandoned by its own mother. 德國的一只大型農(nóng)場犬最近承擔(dān)起豬媽媽的職責(zé),收養(yǎng)了一只被母親遺棄的迷你小豬崽。

⑩ handy ['h?nd?] adj. 便利的;就近的;容易取得的

例句:That kind of interpretation would be handy for relieving the church of its call to aid millions upon millions of prisoners. 這個說法為教會提供了*借口,不用負(fù)起責(zé)任去幫助千千萬萬的囚犯。

Photo credit: Getty Images

Tequ Group, a Sichuan-based farm, is banking on the Alibaba technology to reach its goal of breeding 10m pigs by 2020: “a scale that no ordinary automation system could cope with, let alone a human system”, said chairman Degen Wang.

位于四川的農(nóng)業(yè)集團(tuán)特驅(qū)集團(tuán)(Tequ Group)正利用阿里巴巴的技術(shù),期望在2020年達(dá)到養(yǎng)殖1000萬頭豬的目標(biāo),“但現(xiàn)實普通的自動管理系統(tǒng)將無法應(yīng)付如此宏大的規(guī)模,更不用說以人手操作的管理系統(tǒng),”特驅(qū)集團(tuán)董事長王德根說。

? let alone 更不用說;放任;不打擾

例句:When Apple launched the iPad less than a year ago, most people did not know what it was for, let alone how many the company would sell. 不到一年前,當(dāng)蘋果推出iPad的時候,大多數(shù)人還不知道它是干什么用的,更別提預(yù)測它的銷量了。

Screenshot: et.aliyun.com

Ms Bova concurred. “The biggest problem we have is there will be billions more people on the planet and how do we feed them in a sustainable way? It’s almost impossible without tech stepping in.”


? concur [k?n'k??] vi. 同意;一致;互助

例句:I concur it is a formidable challenge, but not so much that we cannot at least try to find ways to improve it. 我同意這是一項艱巨挑戰(zhàn),但也不至于讓我們甚至不能做出嘗試,想辦法改善現(xiàn)狀。
