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位置:語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 三一口語(yǔ)六級(jí)作文樣本


日期:2021-06-28 22:00:55     瀏覽:680    來(lái)源:廣州培訓(xùn)網(wǎng)


  My Birthday Party

  My birthday was on January 8th. I had a very interesting party at home that day. I invited some of my best friends to take party in my party. My parents, my uncle and aunt were also there.

  I got many presents that day. My mother gave me a beautiful doll. The doll has curly yellow hair and two big purple eyes. She wears a blue dress. She is very lovely and cute. My father gave me a mobile phone. My uncle gave me a birthday cake. My friend, Peach, bought me a blue and purple pen. There is a small mouse on the pen. I prefer the pen best.

  We played a game called “Fruit and Basket”. Everyone represents a kind of fruit. I call the name of a fruit and throw a ball to the sky at the same time. If he/she catches the ball, he/she can use the ball to hit someone else. If he/she can’t catch the ball, I will give him/her a punishment.

  After the game, we ate the birthday cake. The cake was very delicious. I had an interesting party and I was very happy.

  1.      When was my birthday?

  2.      Who came to my birthday party?

  3.      My mother gave me a doll. What’s the doll like?

  4.      What present did I get?

  5.      What’s the rule of the game we played?

  6.      What did I feel on my birthday?

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