1. Rhode Island School of Design 羅德島設(shè)計(jì)RI2. Yale 耶魯*CT3. School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥藝術(shù)IL4. Cranbrook Academy of Art克蘭布魯克藝術(shù)MI4. Maryland Institute College of Art馬里蘭藝術(shù)MD4. Virginia 弗吉尼亞州立聯(lián)邦*VA7. Institute of the Arts 加州藝術(shù)CA7. Carnegie Mellon 卡內(nèi)基梅隆*PA7. of - Los Angeles加州*洛杉磯分校CA10. Alfred Univ. – New York State College of Ceramics阿弗雷德*紐約州立陶瓷NY11. Art Center College of Design 藝術(shù)中心設(shè)計(jì)CA11. College of the Arts加州藝術(shù)(原加州藝術(shù)與工藝)CA11. Columbia 哥倫比亞*NY14. Temple 天普*PA15. Bard College 巴德NY15. Pratt Institute 普瑞特藝術(shù)NY15. School of Visual Arts 視覺藝術(shù)NY15. of - San Diego加州*圣地亞哥分校CA15. of Texas - Austin 得克薩斯*奧斯汀分校TX15. in St. Louis圣路易斯華盛頓*MO21. CUNY – Hunter College 紐約城市*亨特NY21. New School – Parsons School of Design新帕森設(shè)計(jì)NY21. Ohio State 俄亥俄州立*OH21. Otis College of Art and Design奧蒂斯藝術(shù)與設(shè)計(jì)CA21. Rochester Institute of 羅切斯特工程N(yùn)Y21. of - Davis 加州*戴維斯分校CA21. of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign 伊利諾伊*香檳分校IL21. of Iowa 愛荷華*IA21. of Wisconsin - Madison威斯康星*-麥迪遜分校WI30. Arizona State 亞利桑那州立*AZ30. Indiana - 印第安納*伯明頓分校IN30. College of Art 麻州藝術(shù)MA30. New York 紐約*NY30. Rutgers, the State of New Jersey - New Brunswick新澤西州立羅格斯*新伯朗士威分校NJ30. San Francisco Art Institute 舊金山藝術(shù)CA30. of - Berkeley加州*伯克利分校CA37. College of Art and Design明尼亞波里藝術(shù)與設(shè)計(jì)NC37. Tufts U./ School of the Museum of Fine Arts-Boston塔夫茨*波士頓美術(shù)館MA37. of Georgia 喬治亞*GA37. of Illinois – Chicago伊利諾伊*芝加哥分校IL37. of Michigan 密歇根*MI37. of Southern 南加州*CA37. of the Arts 藝術(shù)*PA37. of 華盛頓*WA45. Herron School of Art & Design 赫隆藝術(shù)與設(shè)計(jì)IN45. Stanford 斯坦福*CA45. of Arizona 亞利桑那*AZ45. of 辛辛那提*OH45. of 賓夕法尼亞*PA50. Claremont Graduate 克萊蒙研究*CA50. Cleveland Institute of Art 克里弗蘭藝術(shù)OH50. Cornell 康奈爾*NY50. Syracuse 雪城*NY50. of Minnesota - Twin Cities明尼蘇達(dá)*雙城分校MN50. of New Mexico 新墨西哥*NM50. of Tennessee – Knoxville田納西*諾克斯維爾分校TN我這也是從網(wǎng)上當(dāng)?shù)?,看看?duì)你有用嗎,如果想了解詳情,就在百度里搜吧 呵呵