電影已經很大一部分影響了很多人的生活,娛樂,感情,品味甚至一切。下面是英語口語對話電影,一起來了解下吧: ?
【英語口語對話電影】 ?
A: I haven't been to the movies in ages. ?
A: 我好久沒看電影了。 ?
B: So, let's go see one. What did you have in mind? ?
B: 那我們去看場電影吧!你想看什么樣的電影呢? ?
A: Nothing in particular, really, I am just feeling like taking in a film. ?
A: 什么都行,我就是想看場電影罷了。 ?
B: Well, here we have every kind of movie theaters you could ask for; from international and independent films to Hollywood blockbusters. ?
B: 嗯,在這兒我們有各種類型的電影院,你想要看什么都有;從世界各國的影片到獨立制片都有,也少不了好萊塢的商業(yè)電影。 ?
A: Oh, where can I find the times and location listings? ?
A: 這樣啊,哪里可以找到電影場次表跟各戲院的位置呢? ?
B: Just look in the English newspaper; 7-11 carries them. ?
B: 去翻翻英文報紙就行啦,在7-11便利店就買得到。 ?
【去看電影的英語場景對話】 ?
A:Hi, Ann. I was wondering if you are free tomorrow night? ?
你好,安妮。我想知道你今晚是否有空。 ?
B:Well, George. I guess I am. Why do you ask? ?
額,喬治,我想我有空。你為什么這樣問呢? ?
A:I've just gotten a pair of pre-sale Star Wars movie tickets from a friend and was thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere. Are you interested? ?
我剛剛從朋友那里得到兩張星球大戰(zhàn)的預售電影票,我想邀請你一起去看首映禮。你有興趣嗎? ?
B:Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me. ?
是的,當然有。謝謝你的邀請。 ?
A:My pleasure. ?
我很樂意。 ?
B:I really wanted to watch the Star Wars on the opening day, but the pre-sale tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of them? ?
我真的很想在首映那天看星球大戰(zhàn)。但是預售門票已經賣光了。你是怎樣得到票的? ?
A:A friend of mine works at the corporate headquarters of Pepsi, which is a major sponsor of the movie. He was able to get the tickets for free, and then he sold two more for me for 50 dollars a piece. ?
我的一個朋友在百事公司的總部工作,百事是這部電影的主要贊助商。他可以免費拿到門票。然后他以每張50美元的價格賣給我2張。 ?
B:You paid 50 dollars for each ticket? That's a huge premium over the regular price. ?
你每張票花了50美元?這比原價還要高出許多。 ?
A:Not really. Considering the fact that other people were willing to pay as much as 200 dollars each on the black market. Besides,I knew you were really looking forward to watching Star Wars on the opening day. ?
不完全是這樣。想想其他人愿意花200美元從黑市那里購得一票就值得了。另外,我知道你很期待在首映那天看星球大戰(zhàn)。 ?
B:Wow! I am really honored you went through all this trouble just for my sake. I really appreciate that. So, what time are we going? ?
喔,我很榮幸你經歷了這么多困難僅僅是因為我。我真的很感激。那么,我們什么時候去? ?
A:Well, let's see. The movie stars at 10. We should be there at least 1 hour earlier, because there is a big line. I could pick you up at your house at 8, if that's ok wiht you. ?
額,讓我想想。電影10點鐘開始。我們至少應該提前一個鐘頭到達,因為要排長隊。我晚上8點鐘到你家接你??梢詥? ?
B:8 pm, that's fine with me. ?
晚上8點鐘我可以。 ?
A:Okay. ?
好的。 ?
B:So I'll see you tomorrow then at 8. ?
那我們明晚8點鐘見。 ?
A:Yeah, that's great. I'll see you tomorrow night. ?
是的,太好了。明晚見。 ?
B:Ok, George. Bye! ?
行,拜拜,喬治。 ?
A:Bye, Ann! ?
拜拜,安。 ?
【談論電影的英語口語對話】 ?
Tom: Do you go to the cinema a lot Martin? ?
湯姆:馬丁,你經常去電影院看電影嗎? ?
Martin: I used to quite often, Tom, but lately I just haven't found the time or the cinemas around here aren't quite as big here. ?
馬?。何乙郧俺Hル娪霸?,不過最近我很忙沒有時間去電影院,而且這附近的電影院都很小。 ?
Tom: So, I guess you've had time to contemplate on it. What's your favorite movie of all time? ?
湯姆:我想你有時間來考慮這個問題。你最喜歡的電影是什么? ?
Martin: Well, my favorite movie, and the best movie I've ever seen would have to be Seven Samurai, the story about a small peasant village in Japan, hired in Seven Samurai to protect it and the ensuing struggles that the villagers had with the samurai, and the Samurai did with themselves and then the final fight that they has with the bandits that were trying to take the peasants grain. It's a magnificent story. ?
馬丁:我最喜歡的電影,或者說我看過的*的電影是《七武士》,這部電影講的是日本一個小鄉(xiāng)村雇傭了七名武士保護家園,村民和武士以及武士之間產生了摩擦,不過*他們還是同試圖搶走谷物的強盜進行了戰(zhàn)斗。這是一個宏偉的故事。 ?
Tom: It's a classic. It's black and white, right? ?
湯姆:這是部經典電影。是黑白片,對吧? ?
Martin: Yes, it is. It was made by the Japanese director Akira Kurasawa. I think it was 1956 or 57, but it's affected so many other movies, Tom. I mean if you look at the Magnificent Seven, the Western, it's modeled directly after that, as well as some other modern movies that you might not think as much about. Roger Corman's, Battle Beyond the Stars with George Peppard (Are you serious?) was modeled straight off of Seven Samurai, and even Bug's Life. ?
馬?。簩?,沒錯。這部電影是日本導演黑澤明指導的。我想大概是1956年或1957年的電影,不過這部電影影響了后世的許多電影,湯姆。我是說,如果你看過西方電影《豪勇七蛟龍》,你會發(fā)現這就是依據《七武士》翻拍的,你可能沒有想過,其實還有很多現代電影翻拍自那部電影。比如羅杰·科曼擔任制片、喬治·佩帕德主演的《世紀爭霸戰(zhàn)》也改編自《七武士》(真的嗎?),還有《蟲蟲危機》也是。 ?
Tom: Wow. Now that I think of that I can see that. ?
湯姆:哇。我覺得我應該看看那部電影。 ?
Martin: Yeah, it's a really important movie. How about you Tom? What's your favorite movie of all time? ?
馬丁:對,那真的是一部非常重要的電影。你呢,湯姆?你最喜歡的電影是什么? ?
Tom: I don't know about of old time, but recently, and don't laugh when I say this, Pirates of the Caribbean was an absolute masterpiece. I saw the trailer so many times in the cinema and just thought it was going to be rubbish, but when I eventually got around to seeing it, it was full of good jokes and it was Jonny Depp as a pirate going around the Caribbean. There was a ghost story. There was a love story in it. There was a young man who'd run away to join the Pirate's. The whole thing was just action packed, funny and colorful. It was a really entertaining movie. ?
湯姆:我不太了解老電影,我說了你別笑我,最近的電影里我覺得《加勒比海盜》絕對是經典。我在電影院里看了很多遍預告片,我本來以為那會是部爛片,但是當我終于有時間看那部電影時,我發(fā)現那部電影非常搞笑,電影講述的是約翰尼·德普扮演的海盜在加勒比航行的故事。里面包含了鬼故事和愛情故事。在電影里,一個年輕男子跑去投奔海盜。整部電影內容豐富、搞笑又有趣。這真的是一部給人帶來娛樂的電影。 ?
Martin: Yeah, I would agree with you Tom. It was very fun and Johnny Depp was great, modelling Keith Richards as a pirate. I think that... ?
馬?。簩?,湯姆,我同意你的觀點。這是一部非常有趣的電影,約翰尼·德普非常棒,德普是以凱斯·理查德茲為原型塑造了電影里的海盜形象。我認為…… ?
Tom: Well, I heard that he was modelling the original ride at Disneyland. ?
湯姆:我聽說他是以迪斯尼樂園的游樂設施為原型塑造的角色。 ?
Martin: Oh, really. ?
馬丁:哦,真的嗎? ?
Tom: The mechanical models jerking around on the pirate ship, the mannequins, I heard that was what he modeled his character on. ?
湯姆:我聽說他是以海盜船上那個笨拙移動的機械模型為原型的。 ?
Martin: I heard he modeled after Keith Richards. ?
馬?。何衣犝f他是以凱斯·理查德茲為原型的。 ?
Tom: He's the kind of actor who comes up with a different story at every interview. ?
湯姆:他是那種會在每次采訪中說不同故事的演員。 ?
Martin: Well, I guess that's why he's acting. ?
馬丁:嗯,我猜這就是他當演員的原因。 ?
【看電影的英語口語對話】 ?
Steven: Are you going to the movie theater with me tonight? ?
Nancy: Is there anything good playing? ?
Steven: Titanic is playing tonight. It's a blockbuster. ?
Nancy: Really? I want to go, too. ?
Steven: OK, let's meet at the movie theater entrance tonight. Don't be late. ?
Nancy: No problem. ?
(After watching the movie.) ?
Steven: Are you crying? ?
Nancy: I get a lump in my throat whenever I see a tragic movie. ?
Steven: Tragic movie? I think it's a love story. ?
Nancy: But their love is touching! ?
Steven: Ah, you're just too emotional. ?
Nancy: I am not! ?
史蒂文:晚上一塊去看電影好嗎? ?
南希:有什么好片子嗎? ?
史蒂文:《泰坦尼克號》今晚上映,這可是大片啊。 ?
南希:是嗎?我也要去看看。 ?
史蒂文:好,咱們晚上在電影院門口見吧。不要遲到啊。 ?
南希:知道了。 ?
(看完電影后。) ?
史蒂文:你在哭? ?
南希:我一看悲劇電影就很難過。 ?
史蒂文:悲劇電影?我覺得那是愛情片。 南希:可他們的愛情很感人嘛! ?
史蒂文:哈,你真是多愁善感。 ?
南希:我才不是呢。 ?