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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 總算曉得關于山寨文化的考研英語看圖作文范文


日期:2019-10-24 23:17:38     瀏覽:150    來源:天才領路者
  關于山寨文化的考研英語看圖作文范文 ?   考研英語重要的三個部分,真題,單詞,加作文。作文一般是考試前一兩個月開始背的,背的太早容易忘記,考前一個月比較好每天寫篇英語作文練練筆, 找找感覺,抄一些經(jīng)典的范文,抄一些經(jīng)典的句式,找一些不常用的短語,難的句式,很加分的。下面是北京文都考研小編為您整理的關于山寨文化的考研英語 作文范文。 ?


  As is indicated in the alive picture. the emerging term" Shanzhai ?culture ". ?or ?copycat ?culture. ?is ?gainingpopularity in China. ?Once used to describe the copying ofelectronic products. the catchphrase has now been appliedto the cloning of everything that is popular. ?ranging fromdaily necessities to entertainments. even celebrities, Nowadaysthe phenomenon has stirred a heated debate in China. ?   Some people. ?especially. youngsters. ?voice their supportfor Shanzhai culture. believing it adds diversification toorthodox culture and ?brings fun to our lives. At the sanetime. they point out that it breaks conventional boundaryand challenges authority. ?Thus. ?the trend ?should beencouraged as long as it doesn't violate laws and regulations. ?   In contrast. others urge a campaign be launched tocombat the rampant activities. which will probably lead tocertain consepuences. ?For ?one thing. the copying of brandproducts is a kind of piracy. running counter to IntellectualProperty Rights; for another. under the disguise ?of grass-roots wisdom. Shanzhai culture proves to be an actionlacking creativity and therefore will hamper our innovationin the long run. ?   Personally. I side with the latter party. In spite of itscurrent prosperity. I ant convinced that under no circnustances is Shanzhai ?culture going to replace what it imitates. ?   全文精譯: ?   如上圖所示.嶄露頭角的“山寨文化”.即模仿文化,在國內越來越流行。這個時髦詞曾用來指仿造的電子產品.而今可用于描述對任何流行事物的模仿:從日 常用品到娛樂活動。甚至是名人。如今這一現(xiàn)象引發(fā)了國內人們熱烈的爭論。 ?   有些人.尤其是年輕人。支持山寨文化,認為它使正統(tǒng)文化更加多元化.而且為我們的生活帶來了樂趣。同時、他們指出.山寨文化打破傳統(tǒng)的界限.并挑戰(zhàn)權 威。因此.在不違反法律法規(guī)的情況下,應鼓勵這一趨勢。 ?   與之相反.另外一些人則極力主張發(fā)起一場運動.與這些猖獗的行為作斗爭.因為這可能會導致某些后果.其一對產品的仿造是某種意義上的剽竊,與知識 產權背道而馳;其二.盡管披著草根智慧的外衣.山寨文化被證明是缺乏創(chuàng)造力的行為.因此從長遠來看.它會阻礙創(chuàng)新意識的發(fā)展。 ?   就個人而言.我贊成第二種觀點。我相信.盡管山寨文化現(xiàn)在很流行,但它決不會取代被其模仿的事物。 ?   以上是北京文都考研小編為您整理的關于山寨文化的考研英語作文范文的全部內容。