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日期:2022-10-24 08:37:25     瀏覽:116    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

南京是歷史悠久的城市,自古有東晉、齊、宋、梁等都在南京定都。所謂“六朝古都”就是指的南京。下面是考研復(fù)試介紹家鄉(xiāng)南京,一起來了解下吧: ?

【考研復(fù)試介紹家鄉(xiāng)南京1】 ?



My hometown was in the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Nanjing, which was called Jinling. It has a history of 2500 years. The Song, Qi, Liang and Chen dynasties of the Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties all built their capitals here. The ancient city walls are full of historical flavor, and thousands of years of culture still exist. ?

A hundred-year-old sycamore stands on both sides of the road, the breeze blows, the leaves sway with the wind, a few scattered yellow leaves fall to the ground. They witness the history that can not be forgotten by the world, and also witness the revival of our Chinese nation. ?

There are numerous attractions in Nanjing, Zijin Mountain, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, Xuanwu Lake... Zijin Mountain is lofty and magnificent, with trees and shady trees and steep mountain roads. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the whole picture of Nanjing city and have a panoramic view of tall buildings. Looking up, it seems that you can pick up a piece of white as snow clouds; looking down, as if you can see. The water quality of Xuanwu Lake is clear, the lotus leaves are elegant and graceful, and the weeping willows with tender green branches form a complete picture. ?

There is a custom in Nanjing every year, that is, fifteen lanterns in the first month. On that day, Confucius temple was full of people and beautiful lanterns. There were lotus lanterns and rabbit lanterns. It's dazzling and overwhelmed. At first glance, large and small lanterns with different shapes formed a sea of lights. ?

If you have the chance to come to Nanjing, don't forget to bring some specialties back, Nanjing's plate duck, cakes, snacks, really delicious. Seeing it makes people salivate. ?

This is my old and modern harmonious home. ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)在六朝古都——南京,古稱金陵。它至今已有2500年的歷史了,東吳、東晉、南朝的宋、齊、梁、陳等王朝都曾在這里建都。古老的城墻散發(fā)著濃濃的歷史氣息,千年的文化仍舊存在。 ?

一條條大路上,百年梧桐站立在兩邊,微風(fēng)吹過,樹葉嘩啦啦隨風(fēng)搖擺,幾片零落的黃葉飄落在地。它們見證那些不可被世人遺忘的歷史,也目睹了我們*民族的復(fù)興。 ?

南京的景點(diǎn)數(shù)不勝數(shù),紫金山、中山陵、玄武湖……紫金山巍峨雄偉,綠樹成蔭,山路陡峭。站在山頂上,可一睹南京城全貌,高樓大廈盡收眼底。向上仰望,似乎伸手就可以摘下一片潔白如雪的云朵;向下俯視,仿佛可以一覽無遺。玄武湖水質(zhì)清澈,亭亭玉立的荷葉,枝條嫩綠的垂柳,構(gòu)成一副色色俱全的圖畫。 ?

南京每年有一個習(xí)俗,那就是正月十五放花燈。那天,夫子廟人山人海,漂亮的花燈各式各樣,有荷花燈、兔子燈……讓人眼花繚亂,應(yīng)接不暇。一眼望去,大大小小,形態(tài)各異的花燈形成了一片燈的海洋。 ?

如果你有機(jī)會來到南京,可千萬別忘記帶點(diǎn)特產(chǎn)回去,南京的板鴨、糕點(diǎn)、小吃,可真是美味??戳司妥屓舜瓜延危镁貌煌?。 ?

這就是我古老與現(xiàn)代和諧劃一的家鄉(xiāng)! ?

【考研復(fù)試介紹家鄉(xiāng)南京2】 ?

My hometown Nanjing is a city with a long history. Since ancient times, there have been East Jin, Qi, Song, Liang and so on in Nanjing Dingdu. The so-called "ancient capital of the Six Dynasties" refers to Nanjing. ?

Nanjing has numerous scenic spots and historic sites, such as: Zhuangyuan Kingdom, Drum Tower, Tiexinqiao, Tianwangfu of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Valuation Corridor, Three Steps and Two Bridges, Two Mausoleums of the Southern Tang Dynasty... There is a moving story in every place. Nanjing's Confucian Temple has a "champion realm", the place name has a mythical and legendary origin: in ancient times, which place out of the champion, this place will add the name of the champion. ?

At that time, Qin Huan also got the champion in the examination. The people in his hometown mentioned a "Qin-champion realm" there and engraved it on the stone tablet. When Qin Hui took office, he did nothing but did a lot of bad things. Within a few years, the word "Qin" in the "Qin-champion realm" was erased little by little, and finally disappeared without trace. Qin Huan was furious when he learned that he had written a word "Qin" on it and had to be guarded strictly so as not to be erased. ?

Within a day, the word "Qin" disappeared and Qin Hui killed the man who was sent. ?

Qin Qin, Qin Hui's son, went to the age of number one scholar and became a champion scholar because he had left his father's back door. In order to glorify their ancestors, Qin Bao set up a memorial archway next to the one his father had set up, but Qin Zhuangyuan was just erected and the word Qin disappeared mysteriously. In this way, no one dared to write "Qin" again. The "champion territory" is also called now. ?

As the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Nanjing is full of places of interest and historic sites. There are so many moving stories and beautiful sceneries that I like and fascinate me. ?

Nanjing, I am proud of you! ?


我的家鄉(xiāng)南京是歷史悠久的城市,自古有東晉、齊、宋、梁等都在南京定都。所謂“六朝古都”就是指的南京。 ?

南京的名勝古跡數(shù)不勝數(shù),如:狀元境、鼓樓、鐵心橋、太平天國天王府、估衣廊、三步兩橋、南唐二陵……每一處都有一個動人的故事。南京的夫子廟有個“狀元境”,這個地名就有一個神話傳說般的來歷:古時候,哪個地方出了狀元,這地方就要加上這個狀元的姓。 ?

當(dāng)年,秦檜也考上了狀元,他家鄉(xiāng)的老百姓就在那兒提了個“秦狀元境”,并刻在石碑上。秦檜上任后,好事不做,壞事做了一大堆。沒幾年,“秦狀元境”的“秦”字被人一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)抹了去,終于消失的無形無蹤。秦檜得知后大怒,親自提筆寫了個“秦”字在上面,并派人嚴(yán)加看守,以防有人擦去。 ?

不到一天功夫,“秦”字又消失了,秦檜便處死了派去的那人。 ?

秦檜的兒子秦?zé)绲娇紶钤哪挲g,因走了父親的后門,也當(dāng)上了狀元。為了光宗耀祖,秦?zé)缬职选扒貭钤睒淞藗€牌坊立在了原來父親所立牌坊的旁邊,可“秦狀元”剛立好,“秦”字又神秘消失了。就這樣,誰也不敢再把“秦”寫上去了?!盃钤场币簿徒械浆F(xiàn)在。 ?

作為“六朝都會”的古都南京,名勝古跡星羅棋布,不勝枚舉,那一個個動人的故事,一處處美麗的風(fēng)景,讓我喜歡,讓我著迷。 ?

南京,我為你驕傲! ?

【考研復(fù)試介紹家鄉(xiāng)南京3】 ?

My hometown is known as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties --- Nanjing, the best air in Nanjing belongs to the Mausoleum of Zhongshan. On both sides of the road to the Mausoleum of Zhongshan are tall French sycamore trees in the period of the Republic of China. In winter, the trees are bare without a single leaf, which seems a bit bleak. ?

In the spring, the leaves on the trees grew sprout overnight, and they were very lovely. In summer, the leaves on trees grow luxuriant, like a natural green umbrella, blocking the hot sun. It looks extremely cool. ?

But there's still a little bit of trouble. It's really troublesome that the flowers of sycamore fall into the nose and blow into the eyes when they bloom in May and June every year. Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum is an indispensable place to visit Nanjing. It is not only beautiful in environment but also "natural oxygen bar". ?

There is another bustling place in Nanjing. That is Confucius temple. In my eyes, the Confucian Temple is busy every day, crowds of people, go there, Nanjing snacks will eat there, there are many small commodity shops, you can buy some as a memorial to friends, rain flowers, silk and satin, dazzling people. ?

There are also academies of imperial examinations in the Ming Dynasty. Outside the entrance, there are two painted clay statues of guardians in ancient costumes. We can imagine how rigorous the scientific research was at that time. ?

The beautiful Qinhuai River in the evening is more colorful lanterns, and the river with a different flavor of light and waves, charter a boat, boating all the way across the river to enjoy the painting and calligraphy, that is really poetic feeling! Nanjing is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. Modern history is the period of the Republic of China. The whole city is full of culture and art. I am proud of being here and growing up here. ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)就是有六朝古都的稱的——南京,南京空氣*的就屬中山陵了,進(jìn)入中山陵的道路兩旁都是民國時期高大的法國梧桐樹,冬天樹上光禿禿的沒有一片面葉子,顯得有些凄涼。 ?

到了春天,樹上的葉子一夜之間長出了嫩芽,顯得格外可愛。到夏天,樹上的葉子茂盛起來,像一把把自然的綠傘,遮擋炎熱的陽光。顯得無比的清涼。 ?

但是還是有些小麻煩的事,法國梧桐的花在每年的五,六月份盛開時節(jié)會飄落滿天的“毛毛”吸進(jìn)鼻腔里,吹進(jìn)眼睛里都會很難受,真是一件很麻煩的事呢。中山陵是來南京不可不到的地方,不僅環(huán)境優(yōu)美而且還是“天然的氧吧”。 ?

南京還有一個熱鬧非凡的地方,那就是夫子廟了啦!在我的眼中夫子廟每天都是熱鬧的,人頭攢動的,走到那,南京的小吃就會吃到那,還有許多小商品的店,可以買些做為紀(jì)念送友人,雨花石,綢緞,琳瑯滿目的讓人挑花眼。 ?

這里還有明朝時期考科舉的書院,門外有兩個穿著古裝“護(hù)門衛(wèi)士”的彩泥雕像,可以想象當(dāng)時的科考是這件多么嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)氖卵健? ?

美麗的秦淮河到了晚上更是張燈結(jié)彩,與河水的波光相融別有一番風(fēng)味,租上一條船,泛舟河面一路欣賞兩岸的字畫,那真是詩情畫意的感覺了!南京是六朝古都,近代歷史是民國時期,整個城市充滿著文化藝術(shù)的氣息,我為生在這,長在這而感到驕傲。 ?

【考研復(fù)試介紹家鄉(xiāng)南京4】 ?

My hometown is in the ancient capital of Nanjing in the Six Dynasties, a place with mountains and water. There is a beautiful mountain, where old street is visible. There are many entertainers in the streets and more delicious food. ?

Nanjing's small steamed buns and duck blood vermicelli soup are two major features, there is also a saying "gently move, slowly mention, before the window, after the soup" to tell the small steamed buns eat it. ?

There are countless folk artists in Nanjing. There are candy thinners, dough kneaders, sugar blowers, marshmallows, ice-sugar gourds, and candy apples and candy fruits. ?

There are many snack bars in the famous master temple. There are stinky tofu shops, chestnut shops, and shops selling Zhuang Yuan beans and fermented glutinous rice dumplings. The most popular ones are salted duck and salted duck, and a special kind of chicken called Flower Chicken is covered with soil, but many people queue up for a long time to buy it. ?

The most famous is the old cry of Nanjing. I grew up listening to it, there is a sentence that I remember the most firmly, "grinding scissors, clapper knife." Looking downstairs, you can always see an old grandfather shoulder with a bench, bench with a grindstone, whenever you want to grind the knife for customers. Around the Lantern Festival, we often hear a cry about the Lantern Festival: "Sell wine, sweet-scented osmanthus wine sold." ?

There are so many folk customs in Nanjing that I'm afraid only the older generation in Nanjing knows them. But if you introduce the scenic spots and historic sites, everyone will know. ?

There are five small islands in the Xuanwu Lake: Huan Zhou, cherry Island, Tsui Chau, Liang Zhou, and Chau Chau. There are many weeping willows beside the lake, and a poet once wrote such a sentence: "The most ruthless is the Taicheng willow, still smoke cage ten li dike." ?

My hometown in Nanjing, has six Dynasties ancient capital history, has the mountain and the water good place! ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)在六朝古都南京,一個有山有水的地方。那兒山清水秀,古巷老街所處可見。大街小巷里有許多藝人,更有無數(shù)美味佳肴。 ?

南京的小籠包和鴨血粉絲湯是二大特色,還有一句俗語“輕輕移,慢慢提,前開窗,后喝湯”來講述小籠包的吃法呢。 ?

南京的民間藝人更是數(shù)不勝數(shù)。有糖稀畫、捏面人、吹糖藝、做棉花糖的,還有冰糖葫蘆,現(xiàn)在還有冰糖蘋果和冰糖水果呢! ?

著名的夫子廟里有許多小吃店。里面有臭豆腐店,板栗店,還有賣狀元豆、酒釀元宵的店。*的是板鴨和鹽水鴨,還有一種特別的“叫花子雞”,是包了一層泥土的雞,但很多人都排上好久的隊去買。 ?

最出名的是南京的老吆喝。從小我就是聽著它長大的,有一句讓我記得最牢“磨剪子嘞,鏘菜刀”,往樓下一看,總能看見一位老爺爺肩上挎著一條長板凳,板凳上有一塊磨刀石,方便隨時為顧客磨刀。元宵節(jié)前后,又常會聽見一句關(guān)于元宵的吆喝:“賣酒釀,桂花酒釀賣了。” ?

南京的民風(fēng)民俗是如此的多,恐怕只有老一輩南京人才知道,但是如果介紹名勝古跡,誰都一定會知道。 ?

玄武湖中有五個小島:環(huán)洲、櫻洲、翠洲、梁洲、菱洲。湖邊有許多垂柳,曾有詩人寫下這樣一句話“無情最是臺城柳,依舊煙籠十里堤”。 ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)在南京,擁有六朝古都的歷史,有山有水的好地方! ?
