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位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于認識寫昆蟲英語作文


日期:2019-10-20 22:30:20     瀏覽:148    來源:天才領路者

昆蟲不但種類多,而且同種的個體數(shù)量也十分驚人。昆蟲的分布面之廣,沒有其他綱的動物可以與之相比,幾乎遍及整個地球。那你想知道寫昆蟲英語作文怎么寫嗎?下面是小編收集整理的一些寫昆蟲英語作文,大家一起來看看吧! ?

寫昆蟲英語作文篇一: ?

Insects Invented Gears Long before Humans Did


Planthoppers are tiny insects, only a couple of millimeters long. But man can they jump. An adult planthopper can sweep its two hindlegs together to spring forward more than a meter—the equivalent of you or I leaping over tall buildings in a single bound.


But these superjumpers must push off with both legs at almost exactly the same time, or else they’ll go into a spin and wipe out.


A new study reports that the planthopper Issus coleoptratus evolved a foolproof solution to this problem: in young nymphs of the species, the two legs meet under the belly in plates fringed with interlocking teeth. They function just like mechanical gears. The work appears in the journal Science.


As the bug cocks its two hindlegs forward and then thrusts them back to push off, those gears guarantee that both limbs complete their motions within 30 millionths of a second of each other.


The synchronized forces propel the nymph straight through the air at up to nine miles an hour—impressive. But adult planthoppers can jump at more than 12 miles an hour. And they do it using smooth-rimmed hips, with only friction to keep their legs in sync.


So perhaps the gears are like training wheels, just there until the youngsters learn how to jump straight.

因此,或許這些齒輪就像經(jīng)過訓練的輪子一樣,直到幼蟲學會如何跳直。 ?



寫昆蟲英語作文篇二: ?

There are about 900,000 known insect species,three times as many as all other animal species together,and thousands of new ones are described each year.They are commonly grouped in 27 to 32 orders,depending upon the classification used.The largest order is that of the beetles (Coleoptera).Next,in order of size,are the moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera); the wasps,ants,and bees (Hymenoptera); and the flies and mosquitoes (Diptera).Other major orders are the true bugs (Hemiptera); the cicadas,aphids,and scale insects (Homoptera); the grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera); the cockroaches (Blattodea); and the mantids (Mantodea). ?

寫昆蟲英語作文篇三: ?

I most like insects

I most like the insect cicada.The cicada has two names,also called cicadas,cicada.The cicada is the usual summer little animal,it has six legs,the forefoot is curved sword,can be used as its weapon,which each foot has a hook.Cicada's wings like a cracked glass.The cicada was on the ground,grow up to drill out,I heard that the shell can do drugs!The cicada food branch of the juice,as long as the mouth of the pipe plug,you can explicitly sucking juice.The cicada is daddy following a call "motor",as long as the press can be called up,his voice is very loud,thirty meters can hear clearly.

I often and little friends to catch cicadas,we came under the tree,see the trees there are many cicadas.Once,when the wind blows a cicada fly down,captured by me.I put it into a large bottle of Gary,then put into a basin filled with water,it will climb into the water.I thought:it may want to drink water.Never thought it was going to swim,it will dive!It's in the water.Pat little wings,then dive down into the water and in the water,it is water,smoke a lot of bubbles.I took it out of the water,it is not called.When I put it on the ground,it is the same as the top of the rotation,wings open,happy to sing the song.



我常常和小朋友去抓知了,我們來到大樹底下,看見樹上有很多知了.有一次,刮風的時候有一只知了飛下來,被我抓住了.我把它放進一個大瓶蓋里,然后放進裝滿水的盆里,它就爬到水里去了.我心里想:可能它想喝水吧.沒想到它是下去游泳的,它還會潛水呢!它在水里拍拍小翅膀,再潛到水里,它在水里叫,水里冒出很多泡泡.我把它從水里拿出來,它就不叫了.當我把它放在地上,它像陀螺一樣的轉動,翅膀張開了,就快樂地唱起歌來. ?

寫昆蟲英語作文篇四: ?

A parasitic infection called Chagas Disease has similarities to the early spread of HIV, according to research published recently in the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.


Like AIDS, Chagas is hard to detect and has a longincubation period before symptoms emerge, the study said, according to the New York Times.


As many as 8 million people are infected in the Western Hemisphere, mainly in Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia and Central America, as well as some 30,000 people in the US, the newspaper reported. Chagas infects people in areas of poverty, and most US cases are found in immigrants.


Because Chagas is often left untreated, it spreads easily, either genetically or through blood transfusion. If caught early, it can be treated with intense medication, but the drugs are scarce in poor countries and very little money is invested in searching for new treatments, the paper said.


Chagas is usually transmitted from the bite of blood-sucking insects thatreleasea parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi into the victim’s bloodstream. The parasite can eventually make its way to the heart, where it can live and multiply.


Infections often stay dormant for years, and then emerge as heart arrhythmias and heart failure. About a quarter of victims develop enlarged heart or intestines that can lead to sudden death if they burst, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


New research suggests Chagas may have led to the death of Charles Darwin — one of the great medical mysteries.


Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine believe Darwin suffered from three different illnesses, including a Chagas infection contracted on a voyage to the Andes in South America, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.


Darwin wrote in his diary that he was bitten by a “great wingless black bug” during the trip in 1835. He died 47 years later of heart failure.

達爾文在他的日記中寫道,1835年他在旅途中被一只“巨大的沒有翅膀的黑色昆蟲”咬了。47年后他因為心臟衰竭而死。 ?

寫昆蟲英語作文篇五: ?

Insects Will Be Part of UK Diet


Western diners should get used to the idea of eating insects because by 2020 it is "inevitable"they will form an important part of our diet,according to the entomologist who heads up the world's first university centre focusing on insects as a food source.


He argues that consumers who have traditionally turned their noses up at six-legged food may have to change their minds as conventional meat becomes more expensive and scarce.


Prof Marcel Dicke of Wageningen University said:"The most important thing is getting people prepared,getting used to the idea.


Because from 2020 onwards,there won't be much of a choice for us."


He wants to persuade people to ditch prejudices about insects,and to persuade manufacturers and suppliers to come up with products that can be sold in "a reassuring and attractive manner".


For centuries insects have been part of the daily diet of humans throughout the world,from the ants and larvae eaten as part of their subsistence diet by the tribes of Africa and Australia to the popular crispy-fried locusts and beetles enjoyed in Thailand.


Insects as food are increasingly being promoted as an alternative which are more healthy,nutritious and sustainable than mainstream staples such as chicken, beef and fish.


As well as being low in cholesterol and high in protein,insects produce less waste, Dicke points out,as we typically throw away three-quarters of a chicken,but can eat the same percentage of a locust.


Insects also win on the "conversion factor" or ration of feed ingested by the animal to the meat produced by it-known as ECI.


Beef cattle has an ECI rate of 10 while the cockroach triumphs with 44.


The carbon emissions associated with growing insects is also far lower than those linked to conventional livestock.

