托??荚嚳谡Z是很多考托同學都急于提高的部分,每個同學的水平不同,因此提高托??谡Z的方法也多種多樣,”提高托福口語 自言自語有奇效“給大家介紹一種“自言自語法”提高托??谡Z水平。下面是小編為您整理的關于托福口語怎么訓練,希望對你有所幫助。
托??谡Z練習習慣 ?
練好托??谡Z不是一天兩天的事情,為了練好托??谡Z,早日克服口語考試瓶頸,很多同學都付出了努力。那么,在日常生活中我們學好英語口語應該養(yǎng)成哪些習慣呢? ?
1. 每天堅持練習口語一兩個小時,鍛煉你說英文的肌肉習慣 ?
2. 養(yǎng)成大聲讀英文的習慣,再嘗試著用腹式一口氣練習,這樣使你說出的英文更有底氣,更流暢。 ?
3.每天早晨起床后,張大嘴,啊五分鐘,這樣有利于練好你的腹式一口氣。 ?
4. 養(yǎng)成每天去運用的習慣,學過了很多東西,要經常拿出來曬太陽,要學會賣弄英文,你可以找Partner ,也可以對著天空,大樹,小鳥對話,只要把這些語言運用自如了,變成你自己的了,什么都好! ?
5. 學會正確使用復讀機,先精聽,然后去讀,去聽自己的發(fā)音,找出與磁帶錄音的不同,直到自己的發(fā)音與磁帶的發(fā)音一樣了,再接著聽下一個。 ?
6. 要有專一的精神,不要兩天學美式的,兩天學英式的,我們說這兩種發(fā)音都挺好的,所以,你喜歡哪種就模仿哪種,而且要保證你所模仿的材料從始到終幾乎是那一種發(fā)音。 ?
7. 要敢說英文,不要怕犯錯。記住:在你用正確的方法練習之后,你犯的錯越多,憑著語感糾正的錯誤也越多,進步也就越大!學習外語的好習慣。 ?
8. 老師,我每天都模仿了一個小時,可以已經十天了,還是讀不好。 ?
9. 每天找人去運用,學一句用一句的好習慣,語言的學習是邊模仿邊練習,邊運用。不能說等我學好了會說了才去說,而是能說幾句就說幾句,幾天說一句比十年說不出幾句要強得多 。 ?
10. 每天堅持復習的好習慣,學過的東西不能丟了,要每天都復習,把練習過的句子拿出來做口譯。 ?
同學們除了堅持執(zhí)行托??谡Z訓練習慣,還應該時刻關注自己的學習進度,充分了解自己的英語口語水平,在一段時間的學習后給自己做測試,如果有所進步就該保持現在的學習方式,反之就應該檢討一下自己還有哪些不足之處,考慮是否應該改變學習方式。 ?
托??谡Z練習之寵物話題 ?
1. An Unmatchable Cat
I was sick that winter. It was inconvenient because my big room was due to be whitewashed. I was put in the little room at the end of the house. The house, nearly but not quite on the top of the hill, always seemed as if it might slide off into the corn fields below. This tiny room had a door, always open, and windows, always open, it spite of the windy cold of a July whose skies were an unending light clear blue. The sky, full of sunshine; the fields, sunlit. But cold, very cold. The cat, a bluish grey Persian, arrived purring on my bed, and settled down to share my sickness, my food, my pillow, my sleep. When I woke in the mornings my face turned to half-frozen sheets; the outside of the fur blanket on the bed was cold; the smell of fresh whitewash from next door was cold and clean; the wind lifting and laying the dust outside the door was cold -but in the curve of my arm, a light purring warmth, the cat, my friend.
At the back of the house a wooden tub was set into the earth, outside the bathroom, to catch the bathwater. No pipes carrying water to taps on that farm; water was fetched by ox-drawn cart when it was needed, from the well about two miles away. Though the months of the dry season the only water for the garden was the dirty bathwater. The cat fell into this tub when it was full of hot water. She screamed, was pulled out into a my bed to warm. But she grew burning little voice that became weaker, the was silent; licked my hand, opened huge green eyes when I called her name and begged her to live; closed them, died, and was thrown into the deep old well-over a hundred feet deep it was -which had gone dry, because the underground water streams had changed their course one year. ?
That was it. never again. And for years I matched cats in friends houses, cats in shop, cats on farms, cats in the street, cats on walls, cats in memory, with that gentle, blue-grey purring creature which fro me was the cat, the Cat, ?
never to be replaced. ?
And besides, for some years my life did not include extras, unnecessaries, ornaments. Cats had no place in an existence spent always moving from place to place, room to room. A cat needs a place as much as it needs person to make its own.
And so it was not until twenty-five years later my life had room for a cat. ?
2. Mother Pays More Attention to Pet Dog Than to Her Young Boy ?
Dear Ann Landers: I hope you will publish your answer to this letter because there is a family out there that needs help-fast! ?
My friend(I’ll call her Krista) married a nice guy in 1978. He’s a sales rep on the road most of the time. Krista and Cal had a son five years ago. A nice family unit. About a month after Junior was born, Cal gave Krista a purebred beagle. She went crazy about the dog and treated his better than the baby.
When Junior was old enough to crawl, he began to pull the dog’s tail and hit him when he thought nobody was looking. ?
Two months age, Junior began urinating in unexpected and inappropriate places. First, into his mother’s shoe, then in her purse, next her jewel box. After he was punished for ruining the jewel box, he found some scissors and cut his mother’s string of pearls.
At first Krista attributed the urinating to Junior’s laziness. I told her if it were laziness, he would just wet his pants and not seek special places. ?
Last Christmas Day, it snowed heavily. I called Krista to chat. She sounded breathless. I asked her what she had been doing. "I’ve been playing outside in the snow with the dog," was her reply. I asked where Junior was. She replied,"Upstairs, watching television, I guess." What do you see here, Ann? Sign me - A Worried Friend.
3. Dogs Have a Sense of Humour ?
The question of whether dogs have a sense of humour is often fiercely argued, my own opinion is that some have and some haven’t. dachshunds have, but not St Bernards or Great Dames. Apparently a dog has to be small to be fond of joke. ?
You never find a Great Dane trying to be a comedian. ?
But it is fatal to let any dog know that he is funny, for he immediately loses his head and starts overdoing it. as an example of this I would point to Rudolph, a dachshund I once owned, whose slogan was "Anything for a Laugh". ?
Dachshunds are always the worst offenders in their respect because of their peculiar shape. It is only natural that when a dog finds that his mere appearance makes the viewing public laugh he should imagine that Nature intended him to be a comedian.
I had a cottage at the time outside an English village, not far from a farm where they kept ducks, and one day the farmer called on me to say his ducks were disappearing and suspicion had fallen on my Rudolph. Why? I asked, and he said because mine was the only dog in the neigh-bourhood except his own Towser, and Towser had been so carefully trained that he would not touch a duck if you brought it to him with orange sauce over it.
I was very annoyed. I said he only had to gaze into Rudolph’s truthful brown eyes to see how baseless were his suspicions. Had he not, I asked, heard of foxes? How much more likely that a fox was the Bad Guy in the story. He wasbeginning to look doubtful and seemed about to make an apology, when Rudolph, who had been listening with the greatest interest and at a certain point had left the room, came trotting in with a duck in his mouth.
Yes, dachshunds overplay their sense of humour, and I suppose other dogs have their faults, but they seem unimportant compared with their virtues. ?
提高托福口語的方法 ?
一般來說,衡量一個人英語口頭表達能力主要看以下幾個方面:(1)語言的準確性(accuracy)和得體性(appropriateness);(2)語音(pronunciation)、的語調(intonation)是否正確,口齒是否清楚;(3)話語組織(discourse management)是否合理;(4)口語表達的流利程度(fluency);(5)語法(grammar)是否正確,用詞是否恰當,語言是否符合英語表達習慣。這些是衡量英語會話能力的主要標準,針對這些標準,要提高英語口頭表達能力,就要采取相應的訓練方法,方法恰當了,就能起到事半功倍的效果。 ?
“自言自語法”,即以自己跟自己交流的方式,促成英語口語能力提高之方法。它不受時間及其他交流因素的限制,只要有一個屬于你的空間,自己對著自己用英語講就可以了,此方法是正常課堂英語口語訓練的有益補充。 ?
二、如何巧用“自言自語法” ?
采用“自言自語法”提高自己的英語口語能力要學會模仿。模仿的原則:一要大聲模仿。這一點很重要,模仿時要大大方方,清清楚楚,一板一眼,口型要到位,不能扭扭捏捏、的小聲小氣地在嗓子眼里嘟嚷。二要仔細模仿。優(yōu)美的語音、的語調不是短期模仿所能達到的,對于有英國英語基礎的人學說美國英語也是如此,對于習慣于說漢語的人學說英語則更是如此。此外,模仿時還要有耐心,有信心,有恒心,不能有任何松勁畏難情緒,要相信自己完全有能力模仿得更好。 ?
托福口語練習6個經典模板 ?
以下是托??谡Z考試和平時的練習中大家可以參考的6個經典模板,大家要活學活用這些模版,切忌死記硬背、生搬硬套。 ?
Task 1
Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.
And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________. ?
Task 2
Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above. ?
Task 3
The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________.
And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion. ?
Task 4
In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.
To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________.
And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. ) ?
Task 5
In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that ____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. One is ____________________. The other is ____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________. ?
Task 6
In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one is that____________________. Another example is that____________________. And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the theory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. ) ?
不過,對于托??谡Z練習這些模板,考生應該活學活用,否則也不會得高分。 ?