

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算懂了外貿(mào)電話英語口語對(duì)話


日期:2019-10-07 22:16:52     瀏覽:476    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

作為經(jīng)常與老外打交道的外貿(mào)人,應(yīng)該會(huì)應(yīng)付各種場合的情景對(duì)話。當(dāng)然,很多人會(huì)自認(rèn)為口語好,能應(yīng)付,但是,一些話語的細(xì)節(jié)是否使用得周到,就需細(xì)細(xì)揣摩了。 下面是外貿(mào)電話英語口語對(duì)話,一起來了解下吧: ?

【外貿(mào)電話英語口語對(duì)話】 ?



1.Hello,is this Jason? ?

喂,是Jason嗎? ?

2.I'd like to speak to Mr. Chen. ?

我想和陳先生講話。 ?

3.I'm sorry.Mr. Chen is out right now. ?

對(duì)不起,陳先生現(xiàn)在不在。 ?

4.May I know when he'll be back? ?

您能告訴我他什么時(shí)候回來嗎? ?

5.This is his colleague speaking. ?

我是他同事。 ?

6.Can I take a message for him? ?

要我轉(zhuǎn)告嗎? ?

7.May I have your name,please? ?

請(qǐng)問您是誰? ?

8.Is he available? ?

他能接電話嗎? ?

9.I'll just find out for you. ?

我給您看看他在不在? ?

10.Hello,are you still there? ?

喂,您還在線吧? ?

11.Who is this speaking? ?

請(qǐng)問您是誰? ?

12.I'm so sorry that I made such an early phone call. ?

對(duì)不起我這么早打電話。 ?

13.Who do you wish to talk to? ?

您要找誰呀? ?

14.Is Johnson in? ?

Johnson在嗎? ?

15.Hello!Is Mark there? ?

喂!是Mark嗎? ?

16.Yes,speaking. ?

是的,我就是。 ?

【外貿(mào)電話訂貨英語情景對(duì)話】 ?

Ordering by Phone 電話訂貨 ?

S: Salesclerk 售貨職員 ?

C: Customer 顧客 ?

對(duì)話1 ?

S: Hello ! Are you Mr. Peter ? ?

你好,你是彼得先生嗎? ?

C: Yes, I'm. ?

我是。 ?

S: Hello, this is Shop 123 from Liu Hua Clothes Market. Your goods are ready, please come to take. ?

您好!我是流花市場123檔的,你的貨準(zhǔn)備好了,請(qǐng)過來拿。 ?

C: Sorry ! I'm not free. I'm taking other goods. ?

對(duì)不起!我現(xiàn)在沒空。我現(xiàn)在在拿別的貨。 ?

S: When are you free? ?

那你什么時(shí)候有空? ?

C: Hard to say, maybe this afternoon. ?

很難說,也許今天下午吧! ?

S: OK, please don't come too late, we close at five o'clock. ?

那好,請(qǐng)不要太晚,我們店5點(diǎn)鐘關(guān)門。 ?

C: OK, I will come before five. ?

好的,我會(huì)在5點(diǎn)之前過去。 ?

S: OK, see you. ?

好的,再見! ?

對(duì)話2 ?

S: Hello! ?

你好! ?

C: I'm Kelly, remember me? ?

我是凱利,記得我嗎? ?

S: Sure. Last month you ordered some fashion wear here. ?

當(dāng)然,你上個(gè)月在這訂了一批時(shí)裝。 ?

C: Yes. Are they ready? ?

是啊,準(zhǔn)備好了嗎? ?

S: Almost. You promised to pay me today, remember? ?

差不多了。你答應(yīng)今天付款的,記得嗎? ?

C: Yes. ?

是的。 ?

S: So when? ?

那什么時(shí)候? ?

C: Afternoon. ?

下午。 ?

S: What time? ?

幾點(diǎn)? ?

C: About four o'clock. ?

大約4點(diǎn)鐘。 ?


S: OK, see you this afternoon at four o'clock. ?

好,今天下午4點(diǎn)見。 ?

C: Goodbye. ?

再見! ?

對(duì)話3 ?

C: Hello! This is Jim. ?

你好!我是吉姆。 ?

S: Hello! Can I help you? ?

你好!有什么幫到你? ?

C: Yes. I want to order the style of last time. ?

是的,我想訂上次那款。 ?

S: We have new samples, come to have a look. ?

我們有新款,過來看看吧。 ?

C: I'm not free. ?

我沒空。 ?

S: OK. You want the style of last time? ?

那好,你要上次那款? ?

C: Yes, how much? ?

是的,多少錢? ?

S: The same as before. ?

跟以前一樣。 ?

C: This time I will order more, be cheap OK? ?

這次頂多點(diǎn),便宜點(diǎn)好嗎? ?

S: No, last price already. ?

不,那已經(jīng)是底價(jià)了。 ?

C: Impossible ! ?

不可能。 ?

S: Believe me. We have no profit every time, we are good friends. ?

相信我,每次都沒賺你的錢,我們是好朋友嘛。 ?

C: OK. ?

好吧。 ?

S: How many prices? ?

這次要多少件? ?

C: One thousand. Call me when ready. ?

1000件,準(zhǔn)備好了通知我。 ?

S: You'll take or we deliver to you? ?

自己拿還是送過去? ?

C: I will call you. ?

我會(huì)通知你的。 ?

S: OK, goodbye! ?

好吧,再見! ?

C: Goodbye! ?

再見! ?

【外貿(mào)更新報(bào)價(jià)英語對(duì)話】 ?

A:We have made some adjustment on the prices ,and this is renewed price list. ?

A:我們對(duì)價(jià)格做了調(diào)整,這是新的報(bào)價(jià)單 ?

B:Thank you for allowing us 3%reduction ,but still we find your price is on the high side. ?

B:謝謝你們給3%的優(yōu)惠,但是我們覺得價(jià)格仍然偏高 ?

A:This is our rock-bottom price and we can't make any further reduction . ?

A:這是我們的*的價(jià)格了,不能再降了 ?

B:If so.we find it different for us to go with our talks. ?

B:如果這樣,我們就難以再談下去了。 ?

A:Then ,what's your countr-offer. ?

A:那么你方的還價(jià)是多少呢? ?

B: We are sincere to make business with you. but the difference between your counter-offer and our price is too great. ?

B:我們是很有誠意跟你們做這筆生意的,但你的還價(jià)與我方的價(jià)格差距太大。 ?

B: So are we. Our counter-offer is in line with the world market. ?

B:我方也是很有誠意的,我方的還價(jià)是符合國際行情的. ?

A: How about meeting each other half-way in order to conclude the business. ?

A:為了成交,我們互相各讓一半吧。 ?

B. Aareed. ?

B:好吧。 ?

【外貿(mào)修改合同款英語對(duì)話】 ?

A: Here is the draft contract.Mr. Brown. Let's discuss the clauses to see if we agree on all of them. Then I will make out an original of the contract. After that. what's left is to fill out the contract and sign our names. ?

A:布朗先生,這是我們的合同草案。讓我們討論一下條款看是否能達(dá)成一致,然后我們?cè)贁M定一份合同正本,*就只剩下填寫合同還有我們的簽名了 ?

B That's OK. ?

B:好的。 ?

A: The contract is to be written in Chinese and English. Both languages are equally effective. ?

A:合同將有中文和英文各一份。中英文的效力是一樣的。 ?

B: Fine. If you'll excuse me. "d like to go it over first. ( After about 15 minutes ) Hmm .you've done a pretty good job. It's well prepared. ?

B:好的,如果可以的話,我想先看一下。(15分鐘后),嗯,你們做得很漂亮,準(zhǔn)備得很好。 ?

A: Thank vou. ?

A:謝謝。 ?

B: Well.l suggest that we discuss only the clauses and points where we have different opinions.just to save time. ?

B:好吧,為了節(jié)省時(shí)間,我們就某些我們有不同意見的條款討論一下吧。 ?

A : That's a good idea. ?

A:好主意。 ?

B : First.let's read Clause Two about packing. lt's our usual practice to ship our products in containers. That'II save time and money. but your contract stipulates the use of wooden cases.So. we'd like to have the words containers are allowed-in the contract. ?

B:首先,我們來看一下關(guān)于包裝的第二條款,按照慣例我們應(yīng)該用集裝箱裝運(yùn),那樣會(huì)省時(shí)省錢,但是你的合同規(guī)定用木箱。因此,我們應(yīng)該加上“允許使用集裝箱”。 ?

A: Agreed. ?

A:同意。 ?

B: For shipment.you know we are producing a complete sel of equipment for you and it won't all be finished at one time. So would you allow us to make partial shipments. ?

B:你也知道,我們生產(chǎn)了一整套設(shè)備,這不可能一次全部運(yùn)完,你們可以允許我們分幾部分運(yùn)嗎? ?

A: I understand your position. ?

A:我明白你們的想法? ?
