

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算領(lǐng)會(huì)打電話常用的外貿(mào)英語口語


日期:2019-10-07 22:14:36     瀏覽:155    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

大部分人在跟外國(guó)人打電話的時(shí)候都很沒有自信,不知道如何表達(dá)自己,有些人甚至?xí)f話結(jié)巴。下面就來說說打電話常用的外貿(mào)英語口語,大家千萬別錯(cuò)過。 ?



打電話常用的外貿(mào)英語口語 ?

開頭自我介紹: ?

Good afternoon,this is lucy from xxx company.You have just sent us one enquiry 5 minutes before,Right? ?

等客戶回答之后繼續(xù)說: ?

I have replied to you with details by e-mail.Please check.If you have anything not clear,please reply to me or call me. ?

對(duì)方回復(fù)ok,你可以繼續(xù): ?

Bye the way,May I have your Cell number please. ?

如果對(duì)方不提供電話,你可以問: ?

May I have your skype please? ?

如果對(duì)方?jīng)]有感到不賴煩,你可繼續(xù)介紹一些公司的基本情況: ?

If you are interested and not so busy,I would like to introduce something to you here. ?

A:Hello,is this Mr.Xu?I'd like to speak to Mr.Xu. ?

喂,是許先生嗎?我想和許先生講話。 ?

B:I'll just find out for you.I'm sorry.Mr.Xu is out right now. ?

我給您看看他在不在?對(duì)不起,許先生現(xiàn)在不在。 ?

A:May I know when he'll be back? ?

您能告訴我他什么時(shí)候回來嗎? ?

B:I have no idea.I can take a message for him. ?

這我不清楚,我可以幫你轉(zhuǎn)告。 ?

A:Thank you.Please tell him this is Jacky from XXX company. ?

謝謝,請(qǐng)告訴他我是XXX公司的Jacky。 ?

B:Ok. ?

好的。 ?

關(guān)于詢盤有哪些外貿(mào)英語口語 ?

May I have an idea of your prices? ?

可以了解一下你們的價(jià)格嗎? ?

Can you give me an indication of price? ?

你能給我一個(gè)估價(jià)嗎? ?

Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. ?

請(qǐng)告知你們有關(guān)商品的*價(jià)。 ?

If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away ?

如果你們的價(jià)格優(yōu)惠,我們可以馬上訂貨。 ?

When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? ?

李先生,什么時(shí)候能得到你們到岸價(jià)的實(shí)盤? ?

We'd rather have you quote us F.O.B.prices. ?

我們希望你們報(bào)離岸價(jià)格。 ?

Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Hamberg for the chairs. ?

請(qǐng)告訴你方椅子到漢堡到岸價(jià)的*價(jià)格。 ?

Will you please tell the quantity you require so as to enable us to sort out the offers? ?

為了便于我方報(bào)價(jià),可以告訴我們你們所要的數(shù)量嗎? ?

We'd like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions. ?

我們想了解你們能供應(yīng)什么,以及你們的銷售條件。 ?

How long does it usually take you to make delivery? ?

你們通常要多久才能交貨? ?

Could you make prompt delivery? ?

可以即期交貨嗎? ?

Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? ?

不知你們能不能接受在一段時(shí)間里分批交貨? ?

Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you'll choose? ?

能否告知你們將采用哪種付款方式? ?

Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment? ?

你能否告知我們最早船期嗎? ?

Do you take special orders? ?

你們接受特殊訂貨嗎? ?

Could you please send us a catalog of your rubber boots together with terms of payment? ?

你能給我們寄來一份膠靴的目錄,連同告訴我們付款方式嗎? ?

he inquired about the varieties, specifications and price, and so on and so forth. ?

他詢問了品種、花色和價(jià)格等情況。 ?

We have inquired of Manager Zhang about the varieties, quality and price of tea. ?

我們向張經(jīng)理詢問了茶葉的品種、質(zhì)量、價(jià)格等問題。 ?

Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. ?

大量詢盤證明我們產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量過硬。 ?

As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive. ?

一旦價(jià)格回升,詢盤將恢復(fù)活躍。 ?

Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous. ?

對(duì)地毯的詢盤日益增加。 ?

Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases. ?

詢盤如此之多,我們只能分給你們200箱貨。 ?

Enquiries are dwindling. ?

詢盤正在減少。 ?

Enquiries are dried up. ?

詢盤正在絕跡。 ?

Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. ?

詢盤一般由買方發(fā)出。 ?

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. ?

很遺憾,你們所詢的貨物現(xiàn)在無貨。 ?

They promised to transfer their future enquiries to Chinese Corporations. ?

他們答應(yīng)將以后的詢盤轉(zhuǎn)給*公司 ?

Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. ?

詢盤一般由買方發(fā)出。 ?

Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation. ?

貝克先生來北京向*紡織公司進(jìn)行詢價(jià)。 ?

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. ?

很遺憾,你們所詢的貨物現(xiàn)在無貨。 ?

In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers. ?

在進(jìn)出口交易中,我們常向外商詢價(jià)。 ?


報(bào)盤和還盤的外貿(mào)英語口語 ?

We have the offer ready for you. ?

我們已經(jīng)為你準(zhǔn)備好報(bào)盤了。 ?

I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. ?

我來聽聽你們有關(guān)化肥的報(bào)盤。 ?

Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract. ?

請(qǐng)把上次合同中訂的那種質(zhì)量的竹筍向我們報(bào)個(gè)價(jià)。 ?

We are in a position to offer tea from stock. ?

我們現(xiàn)在可以報(bào)茶葉現(xiàn)貨。 ?

We'll let you have the official offer next Monday. ?

下星期就給您正式報(bào)盤。 ?

I'm waiting for your offer. ?

我正等您的報(bào)價(jià)。 ?

We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. ?

我們可以按國(guó)際市場(chǎng)價(jià)格給您報(bào)價(jià)。 ?

We have accepted your firm offer. ?

我們已收到了你們報(bào)的實(shí)盤。 ?

We'll let you have our firm offer next Sunday. ?

下星期天我們就向你們發(fā)實(shí)盤。 ?

We're willing to make you a firm offer at this price. ?

我們?cè)敢庖源藘r(jià)格為你報(bào)實(shí)盤。 ?

Could you offer us F.O.B. prices. ?

能向我們報(bào)離岸價(jià)格嗎? ?

All your prices are on C.I.F. basis. ?

你們所有價(jià)格都是成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)價(jià)格。 ?

Can you make an offer, C & F London, at your earliest convenience? ?

您能盡快報(bào)一個(gè)倫敦港成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)價(jià)格嗎? ?

I'd like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Vancouver. ?

請(qǐng)報(bào)溫哥華到岸價(jià)的*價(jià)格。 ?

Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnut. ?

請(qǐng)電報(bào)5噸核桃仁的價(jià)格。 ?

Our offer is RMB00 per set of tape-recorder, F.O.B. Tianjin. ?

我們的報(bào)價(jià)是每臺(tái)收錄機(jī)300元人民幣,天津離岸價(jià)。 ?

We quote this article at $250 per M/T C&F. ?

我們報(bào)成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)價(jià)每噸250美元。 ?

My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. ?

我的報(bào)價(jià)以合理利潤(rùn)為依據(jù),不是漫天要價(jià)。 ?

We have received offers recently, most of which are below 100 U.S. dollars. ?

我們最近的報(bào)價(jià)大多數(shù)都在100美圓以下。 ?

Moreover, We've kept the price close to the costs of production. ?

再說,這已經(jīng)把價(jià)格壓到生產(chǎn)費(fèi)用的邊緣了。 ?

I think the price we offered you last week is the best one. ?

相信我上周的報(bào)價(jià)是*的。 ?

No other buyers have bid higher than this price. ?

沒有別的買主的出價(jià)高于此價(jià)。 ?

The price you offered is above previous prices. ?

你方報(bào)價(jià)高于上次。 ?

It was a higher price than we offered to other suppliers. ?

此價(jià)格比我們給其他供貨人的出價(jià)要高。 ?

We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. ?

除非你們減價(jià)5%,否則我們無法接受報(bào)盤。 ?

I'm afraid I don't find your price competitive at all. ?

我認(rèn)為你們的報(bào)價(jià)沒有任何競(jìng)爭(zhēng)性。 ?

Let me make you a special offer. ?

好吧,我給你一個(gè)特別優(yōu)惠價(jià)。 ?

We'll give you the preference of our offer. ?

我們將優(yōu)先向你們報(bào)盤。 ?

You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. ?

你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)我們的報(bào)價(jià)比別處要便宜。 ?

This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. ?

此報(bào)盤著眼于擴(kuò)大銷路而且很有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)性。 ?

Our offers are for 3 days. ?

我們的報(bào)盤三天有效。 ?

We have extended the offer as per as your request. ?

我們已按你方要求將報(bào)盤延期。 ?

All prices in the price lists are subject to our confirmation. ?

報(bào)價(jià)單中所有價(jià)格以我方確認(rèn)為準(zhǔn)。 ?

This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month. ?

該報(bào)盤以你方本月底前到達(dá)我地為有效。 ?

This offer is subject to the goods being unsold. ?

該報(bào)盤以商品未售出為準(zhǔn)。 ?

I'm afraid the offer is unacceptable. ?

恐怕你方的報(bào)價(jià)不能接受。 ?

The offer is not workable. ?

報(bào)盤不可行。 ?

The offer is given without engagement. ?

報(bào)盤沒有約束力。 ?

It is difficult to quote without full details. ?

未說明詳盡細(xì)節(jié)難以報(bào)價(jià)。 ?

Buyers do not welcome offers made at wide intervals. ?

買主不歡迎報(bào)盤間隔太久。 ?

We cannot make any headway with your offer. ?

你們的報(bào)盤未得任何進(jìn)展。 ?

Please renew your offer for two days further. ?

請(qǐng)將報(bào)盤延期兩天。 ?

Please renew your offer on the same terms and conditions. ?

請(qǐng)按同樣條件恢復(fù)報(bào)盤。 ?

We regret we have to decline your offer. ?

很抱歉,我們不得不拒絕你方報(bào)盤。 ?

The offer is withdrawn. ?

該報(bào)盤已經(jīng)撤回。 ?

We prefer to withhold offers for a time. ?

我們寧愿暫停報(bào)盤。 ?

Buyers are worried at the lack of offer. ?

買主因無報(bào)盤而苦惱。 ?

Let's have you counter-offer. ?

請(qǐng)還個(gè)價(jià)。 ?

Do you want to make a counter-offer? ?

您是否還個(gè)價(jià)? ?

I appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low. ?

謝謝您的還價(jià),可我覺得太低了。 ?

Now we look forward to replying to our offer in the form of counter-offer. ?

現(xiàn)在我們希望你們能以還盤的形式對(duì)我方報(bào)盤予以答復(fù)。 ?

Your price is too high to interest buyers in counter-offer. ?

你的價(jià)格太高,買方?jīng)]有興趣還盤。 ?

Your counter-offer is much more modest than mine. ?

你們的還盤比我的要保守得多。 ?

We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton F.O.B. London. ?

我們還價(jià)為每公噸倫敦離岸價(jià)150美元。 ?

I'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars. ?

我同意你們的還價(jià),減價(jià)3元。 ?

常用外貿(mào)英語口語句子 ?

1.What's your idea about the price? ?

對(duì)價(jià)格有何看法? ?

2.May I have your name card ? ?

我可以要一張你的名片嗎? ?

3.Have a seat ,just wait for a moment. ?

請(qǐng)坐,稍等一會(huì)。 ?

4.We can work out the offer? ?

我們可以現(xiàn)在就報(bào)價(jià)。 ?

5.We only export top quality goods and the delivery time is ensured. ?

我們只出口高質(zhì)量產(chǎn)品,交貨時(shí)間可以保證。 ?

6.Could you check back with us tomorrow? ?

您能否明天再來一趟? ?

7.We might place the other immediately . ?

我們就會(huì)馬上訂貨。 ?

8.When can you decide the size of your order? ?

您何時(shí)能決定訂購數(shù)量? ?

9.What do you think of the payment terms? ?

對(duì)支付條件有何看法? ?

10.What do you think about our quality? ?

你覺得我們產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量怎么樣? ?

11.How about having a look at sample first? ?

先看一看產(chǎn)品吧? ?

12.Could you give me a reference price? ?

您能給我個(gè)參考價(jià)嗎? ?

13.How long will it take you to deliver the goods? ?

你們多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間才能發(fā)貨? ?

14.This new product enjoys great popularity in European market. ?

這種新產(chǎn)品在歐洲市場(chǎng)很受歡迎。 ?

15.It will also sell well in your market. ?

這個(gè)產(chǎn)品會(huì)在你國(guó)市場(chǎng)上暢銷。 ?

16.What about your quotation ? ?

怎樣報(bào)價(jià)的? ?

17.They're coming by air. ?

樣品是空運(yùn)過來的。 ?

18.See you tomorrow at the Fair. ?

明天在展會(huì)見。 ?

19.The price is competitive. ?

這個(gè)價(jià)格是有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的。 ?

20.Do you have samples now? ?
