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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于懂得下棋用英語怎么說


日期:2019-09-28 17:30:44     瀏覽:1040    來源:天才領路者
Playing Chess下棋 ?   You're on!好吧!   A: Let's play chess.我們下棋吧。   R: You're on!好吧。   就對方所說的事表示可以、明白了的感覺。   也可以說:Okay./Sounds good./I'll take you up on that offer./Let's get moving./You've got a deal.   Not now.現(xiàn)在不行。   A: Let's play chess.我們下棋吧。   B: Not now. I'm busy.現(xiàn)在不行,我很忙。   因繁忙而拒方的請求和拜托,并表達一種   若時間允許可以幫忙的語感。這種場合,還可以使用:Some other time perhaps.以后可以。


? ? ? ? ?常用句子   1 .Do you want to play a game of chess with me?   想不想和我下盤棋?   2. How did you lose the game?   你是怎么輸?shù)?   3. He always caught my general with his cannon behind his knight.   他總是用他的馬后炮打我的老將。   4.You don't have to be a winner in order to enjoy it.   下棋為娛樂不一定要爭輸贏。   5.Why don't you leave the matter at that until you win at last each time?   你每次為什么非得贏才善罷甘休呢?   6.Shall we have a few games this evening?   今天晚上下幾盤怎么樣? ? ? ? ?情景對話   A: Would you please play Chinese chess with me?   B:With pleasure. But I haven't played it for a long time.   A:That's all right. I'm only a beginner.   B:Oh,look. There is a chessboard over there.   Those two men have already finished playing.   A:You're a very good player.   B:You're flattering me. But once I won a prize.   A:Really? Can you play other kind of chess game?   B:Yes. When I was a little boy,I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess.   A:請你和我一起下象棋,好嗎?   B:太榮幸了。但是,我有好長一段時間沒下棋了。   A:沒關系的。我才剛剛開始學。   B:哦,你看,那邊有副棋盤,那兩個人已經(jīng)下完了。   A:你的棋下得真好。   B:過獎了。不過,我曾經(jīng)得過一次獎。   A:是嗎?你還會下別的棋類嗎?   B:會的,當我還是個小男孩的時候,我很喜歡下跳棋和軍棋。 ? ? ? ?高頻詞匯   chess ?國際象棋   chessboard ?棋盤   king 王   queen ?后   chariot車   bishop ?象   knight ?馬   pawn ?兵 ? ? ? ?以上是由上海漢普森英語小編為您整理的下棋用英語怎么說的全部內容。