Dear Mrs. Cavender:
Thank your for your letter of May 16, 1992 1 took the TOEFLin mid-May and the score is 602. It? is supposed that the ETSshould have sent you an official score report.
Your kind attention to my application is much appreciat-ed.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Ms. Chrestina:
Thank you for your letter of July 25. I wish to inform youthat the official copies of my GRE? and TOEFL scores havebeen requested. Enclosed you will find acknowledgementsfrom ETS which show the? code of your University as a recipi-ent of my scores.
Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir:
I have just found that the GRE score copy I sent you inearly June indicated the wrong? department. It should be for-warded to the Department of Electrical Engineering,but be-cause of my? oversight it indicated the Department of Civil En-gineering.
It would be greatly appreciated if you will forward myGRE score to the Department of Electrical? Engineering and dothe same when you receive the official GRE sccre from theETS.
I look forward to receiving the 1-20 form very soon.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Mr. Williams.
It is understandable that you require me to submit GMATscores before the consideration of my? application, but the factis that I have taken the GRE (score enclosed)but not theGMAT.
With the GRE scores,may I skip the GMAT?? Your ad-vice will be highly appreciated.
標(biāo)簽:TOEFL, GRE出差錯 TOEFL, GRE出差錯