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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語培訓資訊 > 北京托福培訓資訊 > 總算曉得托福寫作范文|關于教育的托福寫作范文與翻譯


日期:2019-09-23 07:57:51     瀏覽:501    來源:天才領路者
  托福寫作范文|關于工作的托福寫作范文與翻譯。托??荚囎魑氖且粋€大的得分點,但是有很多托??忌鷽]能把握好導致失分嚴重。深圳英語根據(jù)多年的托福培訓經(jīng)驗從出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及翻譯,提供給大家借鑒,以下就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于工作的托福寫作范文與翻譯。 ?   托福寫作范文|關于工作的托福寫作范文與翻譯題目: ?   Some people prefer to work for a largecompany. Others prefer to work for a smallcompany. Which would you prefer? Usespecific reasons and details to support yourchoice. ?   有些人喜歡為一家大公司工作。別人愿意為一家小公司工作。你喜歡哪種?使用具體原因和細節(jié)來支持你的選擇。 ?   范文: ?   There are all types of job opportunitiesfor people nowadays. Different people prefer towork for companies of differentsizes. As for myself, I prefer to work for a small company. It istrue thatworking for a big company seems to others that I have a higher social status.However,working for a smaller one has some obvious advantages. ?   有各種類型的就業(yè)機會的人。不同的人喜歡不同大小的公司工作。至于我自己,我更喜歡在小公司工作。為一家大公司工作確實似乎是別人的選擇——有一個更高的社會地位。然而,為一個較小的公司有一些明顯的優(yōu)勢。 ?   First of all, working for a small companymeans that usually the employee is provided thechance to have a panorama ofthe whole company. That means I can learn how business isreally done in acompany and how does the company run. Learning the process is critical tomebecause I'll develop enthusiasm toward the company and the role I'm playing init. Onthe other hand, it is probable that workers in large companies cannotsee the overall picture ofthe company. For example, if I work for amulti-national enterprise and have a job as a salesperson, I'd have a vagueidea about what lies beneath the company's changes and policies. ?   And thereforeI gradually lose enthusiasm in my work, which leads to the decline of workqualityas well. ?   首先,為一家小公司工作意味著通常他們給員工提供公司的全景。這意味著我可以學習業(yè)務如何做在一個公司,該公司如何運行。學習的過程對我來說是至關重要的,因為我將向公司和我正在扮演的角色展現(xiàn)我的熱枕。另一方面,在大公司的職員們可能不能看到公司的總體情況。例如,如果我在跨國企業(yè)工作,作為一個銷售人員的工作,我有一個模糊的想法對公司的改變和政策之下將會發(fā)生什么。因此我在工作中逐漸失去熱情,導致工作質(zhì)量下降。 ?   Secondly, small companies often provideemployees with more chances to receive specialtraining programs, or even enjoypromotions. Although small companies usually have fewerfunds than their largecounterparts, they have far less employees accordingly. So there is stillahigher possibility to obtain the training program that suits me most. Also, thesame applies topromotion. Since the boss pays attention to mainly severalemployees, I can betterdemonstrate my skills and abilities, and hopefully geta promotion. ?   其次,小公司經(jīng)常為員工提供更多的機會接受特殊培訓項目,甚至享受促銷。雖然小公司通常比大同行有更少的資金,他們有相應的員工少得多。所以仍然有更高的可能性獲得適合我的培訓計劃。另外,這同樣適用于推廣。因為老板注重主要幾個員工,我可以更好的展示我的技能和能力,希望升職。 ?   Moreover, I enjoy the teamwork atmosphere,which can be found in small companies. If Iwork with someone with the samemotivation, it will benefit both of us and the company aswell. According to mypersonal experience, small group discussions tend to generate fresh andcreativeideas, which are essential in most types of businesses. ?   此外,我喜歡團隊合作的氛圍,這在小公司可以找到。如果我的同事跟我有同樣的工作動力,它將對我們雙方有利和公司。根據(jù)我個人的經(jīng)驗,小組討論傾向于產(chǎn)生新鮮和創(chuàng)意,這在大多數(shù)類型的企業(yè)至關重要。 ?   To sum up, although large companies arealluring to many people, I prefer to work forsmaller ones because of theatmosphere, the opportunity and the enthusiasm the work bringsalong. ?   總之,雖然大公司誘人的對許多人來說,由于氣氛、工作帶來的熱情,我更喜歡為小公司工作。 ?   以上就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于工作的托福寫作范文與翻譯。深圳英語在此提醒大家,作文切忌死記硬背,合理的使用托福寫作范文,正確對待托??荚?。