

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算明白旅游英語購物


日期:2019-09-21 14:41:27     瀏覽:261    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
? ? ? ?常用例句   1 .The extra large size of this color is out of stock.Please try us again tomorrow.   這種顏色的特大號(hào)已經(jīng)賣完了。請(qǐng)明天再來看看。   2.think it becomes you.   我認(rèn)為非常適合您。   3 .I'm afraid the color is a bit too bright for me.   恐怕對(duì)我來說這顏色太亮了。   4 .The pants are a bit too long·   褲子有點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)。   5 .Are they any good?   它們有什么優(yōu)點(diǎn)?   6·They're imported from England,and are turnedout by a well-known house.   它們是從英國(guó)進(jìn)口的,而且是由*廠商制造的。   7 .Can you show me more?   您能給我多看幾樣嗎?   8 .That's a little more than I want to pay.   價(jià)格有點(diǎn)貴。   9 .Green is in fashion.   綠色是流行色。   10.But if it were a darker color,I would like it better.   但如果顏色再深些我就會(huì)更喜歡。   11 .How about this one?   這個(gè)怎么樣?   12.Have you any that don't cost so much?   還有比這更便宜些的東西嗎?


? ? ? ? ? 美文鑒賞   Tourists'experiences consist of five essentials-traveling,sightseeing and entertaining,lodging,eating and drinking,and shopping .Tourists will spend money in hotels for rooms, for food and forthings to take home .They buy souvenirs for themselves and gifts for their families and friends.   When making a purchase in the United States,you should be aware that,in most cases, the price onthe label is not the price you pay.You will have to pay tax also. Usually the tax is between five and ten percent of the price on the label.   Also, in buying clothes including shoes, you should know that the sizes are measured differently inthe U. S. from the way they are measured in China where we use the metric system. In these cases, you can always ask the clerk for help.   If you are looking for an expensive item, it is advisable to check in more than one store to compare their prices. There is no“state price" in the United States. Smart shoppers often look for "sales",a time you can get the same thing with the same quality at amuch lower price.   There is a great variety of stores in the U.S.,ranging from very large stores called department stores, offering clothing,furniture, household goods and many other goods, to very small shops that specialize in just one kind of product.There are"discount houses" offering goods at low prices and“dime stores”specializing in a wide range of inexpensive items.   旅游者的活動(dòng)包含部分:旅行、游樂、住宿、餐飲和購物。旅游者把錢花在旅館住宿、飲食和購物上。他們不僅給自己買紀(jì)念品,還給家人和朋友帶回禮物。   在美國(guó)購物的時(shí)候你應(yīng)該注意,在大多數(shù)情況下,標(biāo)簽上的價(jià)格并不是你所要付的價(jià)錢,你還得交稅。通常來說稅金在價(jià)錢的5%與10%之間。   還有,買衣服、買鞋的時(shí)候,*用的是公制單位,而美國(guó)衡量大小的方法與*完全不同。在這種情況下,你可以請(qǐng)求售貨員幫助。   如果你想買貴重物品,建議你比較一下幾家商店的價(jià)格。在美國(guó)沒有“*規(guī)定價(jià)格”。聰明的購物者可以尋找一些甩賣的機(jī)會(huì),這時(shí)你可以買到質(zhì)量相同,但價(jià)格低廉的商品。   美國(guó)有各種各樣的商店,大到百貨商店,出售衣服、家具、居家用品和其他很多東西,小到專賣一種商品的小店。還有“折扣商品”店,專賣價(jià)格低廉的貨品;也有叫“一角店”的,出售種類繁多的廉價(jià)物品。