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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于理會關于自駕出行的常用英語口語


日期:2019-09-16 16:31:52     瀏覽:546    來源:天才領路者
  關于自駕出行的常用英語口語,英語學習在于應用,日常英語口語對話則是為實用了,實用英語日??谡Z屬于非正式口語。平時多去英語角,多與人用英語聊天,創(chuàng)造多的情景對話,美聯(lián)英語為您提供關于自駕出行的常用英語口語,一起來學習一下。 ?   A: It looks like we're stuck.   B: What's the matter?   A: Car accident again.   B: How terrible!   A: Yes, I think so.   B: Do you see car accidents much often?   A: Yes, I do.   B: What's the reason for so many accidents?   A: People don't drive carefully.   B: So you should be more careful.   A: Take it easy, I will. ?   A:看來我們動不了了。   B:怎么了?   A:又發(fā)生車禍了。   B:真糟糕!   A:是的,我也這么認為。   B:你經(jīng)??匆姲l(fā)生車禍嗎?   A:是的,經(jīng)??吹?。   B:為什么車禍這么多?   A:人們駕駛時不小心。   B:所以你應該更小心點。   A:放心,我會的。 ?   A: I want to rent a car for three days.   B: OK. May I have your driver's license, please?   A: Sure, here is my driving permit.   B: What size car do you want?   A: Something not too small. I think I'll take this one.   B: No problem. The rate for this car is twenty dollars per day, unlimited mileage. Do you want any insurance?   A: Yes, I'd like full coverage.   B: OK. Would you sign the rental form here, please?   A: Sure. Where should I return the car?   B: You'd better return it here.   A: OK.   B: When you return it, you have to fill the tank of gas.   A: I see. Thank you. ?   A:我想租車3天。   B:好的??梢越o我看看您的駕照嗎?   A:當然,這是我的駕駛許可證。   B:您想租多大的車?   A:不要太小的。我要這輛。   B:沒問題。這種車的租金是每天20美元,無里數(shù)限制。您要保險嗎?   A:要,我要保全險。   B:好的。請在這張租車表格上簽名。   A:好的。我該在哪里還車呢?   B:你比較好來這兒還。   A:好的。   B:還它的時候,你需要把油箱加滿汽油。   A:我知道了,謝謝。 ?   A: Is there anything I can do for you?   B: Yes. I'd like to rent a van to take my family camping.   A: Okay. When do you need it?   B: 1 need it for the weekend.   A: And where will you be going?   B: We'll be going to the Fragrant Hill.   A: Ah, that's good, because we don't allow the van outside Beijing.   B: No problem. Now, can you give me an idea of how much it'll cost?   A: That depends on the size of the van you need.   B: Let me see, we'll have four people in our party.   A: A small car will be OK. Two hundred yuan.   B: Well, that sounds pretty good, but do l have to pay an extra charge for mileage?   A: Of course not.   B: Okay. Now, do you cover the insurance?   A: Yes, we do.   B: That's great. ?   A:有什么能幫忙的?   B:是的。我想租一輛旅行車帶我全家去旅行。   A:好的。您什么時候要?   B:我想周末的時候用。   A:你要到哪兒去呢?   B:我們要到香山去。   A:啊,很好,因為我們不讓旅行車開出北京的。   B:沒問題。現(xiàn)在你能告訴我大約要花多少錢嗎?   A:那要看您租的旅行車的大小了。   B:讓我想想,我們一伙總共是4個人。   A:一輛小車就行了,200元。   B:好,挺不錯的,但我要不要根據(jù)行駛里程再額外付費呢?   A:當然不用。   B:好。你們的收費里包括保險嗎?   A:是的,包括。   B:那太好了。 ?