

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算曉得寫遵義的英語(yǔ)作文


日期:2019-09-16 13:12:27     瀏覽:1294    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者

遵義是首批*歷史文化名城,享有*長(zhǎng)壽之鄉(xiāng)、*厚樸之鄉(xiāng)、*金銀花之鄉(xiāng)、*高品質(zhì)綠茶產(chǎn)區(qū)、*名茶之鄉(xiāng)、*吉他制造之鄉(xiāng)等稱號(hào)。那你想知道寫遵義的英語(yǔ)作文怎么寫嗎?下面是小編收集整理的一些寫遵義的英語(yǔ)作文,大家一起來(lái)看看吧! ?

寫遵義的英語(yǔ)作文1: ?

If there is anyone who still doubts that China is a nation of diligence and bravery, the Long March is definitely one of the most persuasive evidences. Taking a whole year to achieve, suffering all sorts of difficulties, it would be a great miracle in human race. 如果有人對(duì)*民族是一個(gè)勤勞,勇敢的*產(chǎn)生懷疑,長(zhǎng)征是比較具有有說(shuō)服力的證據(jù)。長(zhǎng)征在人累進(jìn)程中是一個(gè)奇跡,用一年的時(shí)間經(jīng)歷了各種各樣的困難取得了成功。 In October, 1934, the Red Army began their march from Ruijin, Jiangxi Province because of the failure of the fifth counter-encirclement. Going westward with unimaginable effort to break through 4 blockade lines, they arrived at Xiang River in December. In the middle January, 1935, after the occupation of Zunyi, the Red Army held the well-known “Zunyi Meeting”, at which Mao Zedong’s leadership was established. Then, they amazingly crossed the Jinsha River which made them cast off the besiegement of KMT. And they went on the march northward, passing through Daliang Mountain, capturing Luding Bridge, and crossing the Jiajin Mountain perennially covered with snow. In the middle of June, the Red Fourth Army was joined forces. Aiming at setting up three more basements, the whole mixed army was divided into two parts to plod through grasslands. Having won several campaigns on the way to north, the Red Army finally got to Wuqi Town, which was the early end of the Long March. 1934年十月,紅軍開始從江西省瑞金進(jìn)軍,因的第五次反圍剿失敗。向西進(jìn)軍用無(wú)法想象的努力突破第四道封鎖線,他們?cè)谑碌竭_(dá)鄉(xiāng)河。在1935年一月中旬,占領(lǐng)遵義后,紅軍舉行了*的“遵義會(huì)議”,建立了毛澤東領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。然后,他們驚人地橫跨了金沙江,使他們擺脫了國(guó)民黨的圍攻。之后他們就向北進(jìn)軍,穿過(guò)大良山,巧奪瀘定橋,穿越終年積雪的夾金山。在六月中旬,紅軍第四軍加入了。旨在建立三個(gè)地下室,整個(gè)軍隊(duì)被分成兩部分來(lái)通過(guò)草原。在北進(jìn)過(guò)程中贏得了幾個(gè)戰(zhàn)役,紅軍終于到達(dá)吳起鎮(zhèn),這就是長(zhǎng)征早期的結(jié)束。 Although this was not the eventual end of the Long March, every step remained in 14 provinces had absolutely reflected the Long-March spirit which would always be the highest expression of the Chinese people's being indomitable and constantly striving to become stronger. 雖然這不是長(zhǎng)征最終的結(jié)束,但他們留在14省的腳步已經(jīng)完全反映了長(zhǎng)征精神將是*人民永遠(yuǎn)百折不撓、自強(qiáng)不息的*的表達(dá)。 ?

