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日期:2019-09-12 13:10:26     瀏覽:379    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

托福作文范文可以幫助大家拓展寫作思路,對于托福備考階段的同學(xué)們很有參考價值。那你知道新托福作文范文有哪些嗎?下面是小編收集整理的一些新托福作文范文,大家一起來看看吧! ?

新托福作文范文篇一:科技改變世界 ?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


These are several viewpoints on the implications of technological change and advancement and  such schools of thought which considerably vary have their respective validity. Technological change has its advantages and disadvantages. For one, it is true that it partly solves problems and  makes life better. At the same time, technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging quality of life. In the developing economies, for instance,  technological advantages has both its merits and demerits. The introduction and seeming acceptability and usefulness of computers have somehow helped increase the efficiency of several firms. It is not only in the industrial sector that technological change proven to be very effective. In the agricultural sector, for example, the introduction of new technologies in increasing production has been very effective in expanding agricultural produce. These are just a fewexamples to illustrate the advantages of technological advancement.

On the other hand, countries should be more careful on their choice of technology since it must be noted that while certain types of technology are adaptable to developed economies the same type of technology may not fit the environment of developing countries due to differing economic,social, cultural, and political factors. For example, infrastructure improvements such as a construction of irrigation dam in the mountains of the Philippines where several natives reside may likely be resisted by the population due to cultural factors. They may prefer not to have such improvements in view of traditional values. Another example is the pollution impact of some technological improvements particularly in the industrial sectors.

The choice and adaptability of new technology should therefore be carefully studied. The short,  medium, and long term impact of such technology is very important particularly for developing economies. The benefits should always be greater than the costs.

I am inclined to support both positions because both views have their own validity. However, I am  more convinced that technological advancement is beneficial to countries so long as they are aware of the disadvantages of such technology. ?



新托福作文范文篇二:廣告的一大功能 ?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Nowadays some may hold the opinion that advertising can tell you a lot about a country. As far as I am concerned, I agree with this statement. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

One of the primary causes is that advertising is always a reflection of a country’s culture and customs. Advertising varies from country to country, depending on the country's particular  conventions. For example, a Japanese advertisement may feature a Japanese lady with traditional  kimono, while an American advertisement may feature a western cowboy with a hat and ride a  horse. Through advertisement, we can have a general understanding of what people from other  countries look like, what they wear during their daily life, what they eat, what kind of transportation they use, and what they do during their spare times. We can always learn different  cultures of different countries through these culture specific advertisements.

A further more subtle point we must consider is that we can understand a country by its products.  When we see a Toyota or a SONY advertisement on TV, we realize that Japanese people see quality as a vital aspect of their products, and we know that how these people are always trying  their best in high technology development, and ensure the best quality in their products. When we have gained a deeper understanding of a product, we can also gain a deeper understanding of that country and people.

What is more, when we become curious about the culture and customs of a country through  advertisement, we are willing to spend more time on reading about the country, explore more  deeply about it, and even someday travel to a country we like to visit. All these might have started with a small advertisement on TV! Is that amazing?

In short, advertising can really tell you a lot about a country's culture and customs. ?

新托福作文范文篇三:單一的世界文化 ?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


I strongly agree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture. Modern technology like computer and internet is bringing people together, and making the world getting smaller.

First of all, with the development of modern technologies such as computers, English is becoming  the most important language in the world, and the importance of other languages is getting weaker  and weaker. Admit or not, the most common language used today on the internet is English, this  makes English becomes the one and only most important language in the world. On the other  hand, computers can cross the barrier of human language. No matter where people are, and no  matter which language people speak, they always use computers the same way, and basicly they  are using the same kind of software packages, like Windows Operating Systems and word  proccessing software packages. Computer language is also a universal language. Programmers from different part of the world can work in the Silicon Vally. Although they might have difficulties in communication in English, they have no problem at all writing programs with Java,or C++.

Besides, the development of the internet is uniformizing people's life style. Internet is being used  in almost every corner the world. People are doing almost everything with the internet, like getting  all sorts of information, shopping online, paying for their bills and checking their balances in the  online bank. Over 90 per cent of people in the world use the same kind of internet browser - MS Internet Explorer, and almost every internet page looks like the same, although they use different language and design. People from all over the world are doing the same thing each day on theinternet, and their living habit is becoming closer and closer with each passing day.

In addition, modern technolgy has facilitated the communications among people from all over the world, and therefore result a single world culture. For instance, people can chat with a friend or a stranger who lives abroad on the phone, internet, and they can also see and listen to him/her through a camera and a microphone just like face to face. This helps one culture learns from other culture, and bring the world together. Before people can see each other through TV, they used to wear their local costumes; nowadays T-shirt and blue jeans have become a universal custom for people. This is a concreate example that modern development is creating a single world culture. Based on the points discussed above, we can see why I agree with that modern technology is creating a single world culture. ?

新托福作文范文篇四:因特網(wǎng)的作用 ?

Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


What things can be widely used in education, business, government, family and almost all the other fields all over the world? One answer is the Internet, which is a great communication tool in the 21st century. Some people claim that the 21st century could not exist without the Internet. Therefore, children and young adults should use the Internet freely everywhere. Personally, I have the impression that there are some flaws in this seemingly indisputable proposition. Children and young adults should not use the Internet freely for three reasons, and some safe programs and filters are indeed needed in the Internet.

For one thing, the children and young adults that use the Internet freely might get the wrong information by chance. Children and young adults can be influenced easily by many new things.

The Internet is so wide that it includes some wrong information such as violence and pornography. That information can cause many bad effects on the children and young adults, which are bad for them are growing. For example, there is some violence information in the Internet. After the children and young adults watch that by chance, they might follow the violence way from the  Internet to solve the problems. Consequently, we have to use some kinds of software to block this kind of information. This highly technical software has already been developed well. Parents can just trust this kind of software in order to prevent children from accessing the blocked websites, which includes the wrong information.

For another thing, the children and young adults using the Internet freely might cause some computer problems. As the Internet is used on the computers, it is related to the computers closely. The computer is a highly technical machine that sometimes is hard to control. As a result, some bad things may have loopholes to get into the computer such as the computer viruses. If the children and young adults use the Internet freely without some safe programs their computers will probably be infected with computer viruses. For example, many years ago, I used my computer on the Internet without any safe programs. One day, I found my computer was abnormal and called a computer expert to look over it. He said my computer must be infected with computer viruses from the Internet and suggested I use the safe program to prevent the viruses. Since then, I have used the Internet with the safe program every time and never get the computer viruses any more.In addition, there are also some computer hackers on the Internet who always attack others’ computers or steal the data from others’ computers, which is a serious problem for the computer users. Therefore, a safe program is really needed for the computer users to prevent the viruses and hackers while they are using the Internet.

Furthermore, by using some filters we can save a lot of time to distinguish the useful and unnecessary information. Most people use the Internet to find and get information. There are so great quantities of information on the Internet that we usually have to spend quite a long time to find the useful information. Whereas, if we use some filters, we can distinguish the useful and unnecessary information easily. For example, my E-mail box always receives some pornographic junk mail, which are very disagreeable. After I use the filters to block those mails’ senders, that mail cannot get into my E-mail box any more. However, the Internet is such an interesting thing that people who enjoy it may keep on surfing on the net. People who have little ability of self control will lose themselves in the information highway spending a long time in front of the  screen, which is absolutely bad for their health. Thus, the filters are quite useful when we use the Internet.

Some people hold that children and young adults use the Internet freely can widen their eyes of the world. However, I think using the Internet with the filters can also get the information much enough to widen their eyes. Most parents do not use the filters because they do not know how  useful the filters are. The filters are so good now that we can choose the different ways to get the  different kinds of information. Using the filters can make the limit to help the children and young adults kown more about the things that are useful for them. If the children and young adults use  the Internet freely, they may lose their directions. As a result, they might not only widen their  eyes, but also waste a lot of time. The filters can help us to prevent getting into the websites that  we will never use them anyway so that we could widen our eyes of the world by using the filters.  As the Internet becomes more and more popular, the way of using Internet will also become more  and more advanced. Consequently, children and young adults should use the Internet with some  new advanced programs to get the information easily. They should try to learn the better way to  use the Internet such as by the safe programs and filters. As a result, the Internet will be really  good for them.
