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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于懂得健美操用英語怎么說


日期:2019-09-08 11:41:18     瀏覽:801    來源:天才領路者
  做健美操運動曾風靡一時,許多女孩子更是樂此不疲,就讓我們一起來邊學邊練吧。 ? ? ? ?常用表達法   1.Doing aerobics is just a piece of cake for me.   對我來說,做健美操很容易。   2. You are in great conditions.   你的身體狀況很好。   3. I'm so exhausted that I can't even lift up my arms.   我累死了,胳膊都抬不起來了。   4. My feet hurt.   我的腳疼死了。


?   對話1   Doing aerobics is just a piece of cake for me.   A: Hey, Larry! You're in great shape. Do you often do exercises?   B: Thanks! Well,I prefer doing aerobics.I'm taking aerobics classes three times a week.   A:Really?l heard it's kind of hard.   B:Doing aerobics is just,a piece of cake for me. It was kind of hard atthe very beginning. But if you stick on it, it'll be OK. Now, I'm in theadvanced class.   A:I'm afraid I some exercises to keep fit as well.   A:嗨,拉里。你的體型可真不錯。經常鍛煉身體嗎B:謝謝!我喜歡做健美操.我現(xiàn)在一周上三節(jié)健美操課。   A:是嗎?我聽說做健美操有點難。   B:對我來說,很容易。一開始有點難,但如果你堅持襲來,很快就會好的?,F(xiàn)在,我都上到高級班了。   A:恐怕我也得鍛煉鍛煉來保持健康了。   對話2   I'm so exhausted that I can't even lift up my arms.   A: Can't you follow me?   B: No, I'm out of breath. In fact, I'm so exhausted that I can't even liftup my arms.   A: Come on, we'd better hold on. We only have a couple of minutesto go. You con do it!   B: I really hate this! But, all right, let's do it!   中文對照2   A:你跟不上我了嗎?   B:是的,我都上氣不接下氣了。事實上,我累死了,胳膊都抬不起來了。   A:來吧,我們比較好堅持下去。只剩下幾分鐘了。你能行!   B:我恨透這個了。但是,好吧,我們來做吧! ? ? ? ?以上是由上海新東方學校小編為您整理的健美操用英語怎么說的全部內容。