

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算發(fā)現(xiàn)商務(wù)英語(yǔ)會(huì)議策劃


日期:2019-09-04 12:03:29     瀏覽:529    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  商務(wù)英語(yǔ)會(huì)議策劃-中山美聯(lián)英語(yǔ) ?   時(shí)間   It's scheduled for the first week of July.   它安排在7月的*個(gè)星期召開(kāi)。 ?   Delegates will arrive on Sunday morning.   代表們將在周日上午抵達(dá)。 ?   The rest of the conference will take place from Monday to Friday.   接下來(lái)的會(huì)議將從周一持續(xù)到周五。 ?   When will invitations go out to the delegates?   什么時(shí)候?qū)⒀?qǐng)函發(fā)給代表們? ?   食宿和人數(shù)   We've reserved rooms in the Hillington Hotels in London.   我們已經(jīng)在倫敦的希靈頓酒店預(yù)訂了房間。 ?   Lunch will be provided from Monday to Friday.   周一到周五會(huì)提供午餐。 ?   So far we've got a total of thirty-four participants.   迄今為止與會(huì)者有34位。 ?   宴會(huì)   There will be an optional dinner and reception Sunday night.   周日晚上將舉辦一場(chǎng)晚宴和歡迎儀式,大家可以隨意出席。 ?   There will be a banquet on Thursday night for dinner.   周四晚上會(huì)舉辦一場(chǎng)晚宴。 ?   費(fèi)用   Minus the cost of flights and meals,it will cost approximately $800 perperson.   除去機(jī)票和膳食費(fèi),每位與會(huì)代表大約要花費(fèi)800美元。 ?   We're working with a budget of 2,000 yuan per participant我們要做的預(yù)算是每位與會(huì)者2,000元人民幣。 ?   情景對(duì)話   對(duì)話場(chǎng)景:公司即將召開(kāi)全球銷(xiāo)售和營(yíng)銷(xiāo)年會(huì)。卡爾和莫林正在擬定會(huì)議方案。   句型重點(diǎn):說(shuō)明大型會(huì)議的準(zhǔn)備情況。 ?   Carl:So,when is the annual global sales andmarketing conference this year? ?   Maureen:It's scheduled for the first week of July. ?   Carl:Will it run for the entire week or will it just runthrough the work week? ?   Maureen:Delegates will arrive on Sunday morning.   There will be an optional dinner and reception Sundaynight. The rest of the conference will take placeMonday to Friday. ?   Carl:Where will it take place? ?   Maureen:We've reserved rooms in the HillingtonHotels in London. ?   Carl:That should be very nice. How much will it costfor each delegate? ?   Maureen:Minus the cost of flights and meals,it willcost approximately $800 per person. ?   Carl:Will any of the meals be provided? ?   Maureen:Lunch will be provided Monday to Friday. Inaddition, there will be a banquet on Thursday night fordinner. ?   Carl:When will invitations go out to the delegates? ?   Maureen:I've written the E-mail,but would like youto review it before!send it out. ?   Carl:Great. think think we’re all sorted then. ?   中山美聯(lián)英語(yǔ)小編譯文: ?   卡爾:嗯,今年什么時(shí)候召開(kāi)全球年度銷(xiāo)售和營(yíng)銷(xiāo)會(huì)議? ?   莫林:安排在7月的*個(gè)星期召開(kāi)。 ?   卡爾:會(huì)議是會(huì)持續(xù)一整周的時(shí)間還是只在工作周內(nèi)舉行? ?   莫林:代表們將在周日上午抵達(dá)。周日晚上將舉辦一場(chǎng)晚宴和歡迎儀式,大家可以隨意出席。接下來(lái)的會(huì)議將從周一持續(xù)到周五。 ?   卡爾:在哪里舉行? ?   莫林:我們已經(jīng)在倫敦的希靈頓酒店預(yù)訂了房間。 ?   卡爾:這聽(tīng)起來(lái)挺不錯(cuò)。每位代表的花費(fèi)會(huì)是多少? ?   莫林:除去機(jī)票和膳食費(fèi),每位與會(huì)代表大約會(huì)花800美元。 ?   卡爾:提供餐飲嗎? ?   莫林:周一到周五有午餐。此外,周四晚上會(huì)舉辦一場(chǎng)晚宴。 ?   卡爾:什么時(shí)候?qū)⒀?qǐng)函發(fā)給代表們? ?   莫林:我已經(jīng)寫(xiě)好了郵件,但是我想讓你檢查之后再發(fā)出去。 ?   卡爾:好的。我想我們已經(jīng)安排妥當(dāng)了。 ? ? ? ? 以上是中山美聯(lián)英語(yǔ)小編提供的商務(wù)英語(yǔ)會(huì)議策劃的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容。 ?