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日期:2019-09-02 14:12:27     瀏覽:520    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

認(rèn)真研讀一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以幫助我們檢驗(yàn)自己的寫作水平,并能很好地吸收和應(yīng)用出色范文里的出色內(nèi)容。那你知道雅思高分作文范文有哪些嗎?下面是小編收集整理的一些雅思高分作文范文,大家一起來看看吧! ?

雅思高分作文范文篇一:想去的* ?

You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.

Which country would you like to visit?

Model Answer:

I am a person who likes to travel. I think traveling is a great opportunity to meet new people, gain more knowledge and experience, and learn new customs and traditions. I did not travel a lot yet, but I am sure I will have a chance to do it. So, if I had the opportunity to visit a foreign country I would visit Egypt. I think it is a great and very interesting country with marvellous history. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.

First of all, I always dreamed to visit Egypt pyramids. My aunt visited Egypt a few years ago. She was very excited after that trip and said that she would return there one more time at any cost. She said that Egypt had impressed her very much with its glorious pyramids and ancient buildings. Second of all, I think that in that country one can touch history, feel the hard breath of workers building a pyramid under the parching sun, and see the chain of camels walking in the desert with the huge trunks full of presents for Cleopatra on their humps. Finally, I want to see a real dessert and ride the camel. All my friends who rode the camel say that it is an unforgettable experience.

I believe that I will have a chance to visit this beautiful country someday. Unfortunately, now I have plenty of plans and things to do, so, I am afraid that I will not be able to travel for the next two years. I want to finish my education and then find a job, and these things have higher priority then traveling. My husband wants to visit this country too and we made an agreement to make our trip to Egypt on our five years anniversary which is in two years.

In conclusion, I want to add that after my trip to Egypt I will definitely visit Australia. This country is the second one on my list the most wanted to see. ?



雅思高分作文范文篇二:推薦給國外游客的地方 ?

A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country.

Where should this visitor go on that day? Why?

Model Answer:

Traveling is a good way to find out more about different countries with different traditions and customs. Some travelers prefer to spend in one country just a few days or one day and then leave for another country. This way of traveling allows people to visit more countries in fewer days. Unfortunately, in this case such travelers have to hurry in order to visit more places.

I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. So, if a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in my country I think I would advice him to visit the "Hermitage" - the most well known and amazing museum in Russia. The "Hermitage" has 3 floors and more then 100 halls. It is really amazing to visit that place. Many people from all over the world every day enter its walls. Some of the rooms devoted to the history of other countries. Others devoted to the art of a famous painter and the history of his life. However, most of the halls conclude many things such as paintings, royal belongings, sculptures from Russian history.

Some people say that it is impossible to feel deeply and see all these amazing historical values for one visit. I have to completely agree with this statement. When I first visited the "Hermitage" I was 14 years old. It impressed me so much that I was back next day to see what I had not been able to see the day before.

The "Hermitage" is an impressive and beautiful museum. I think it is worth to spend there a whole day and I believe that after that a foreign visitor can claim with a proud that he or she saw Russia. ?

雅思高分作文范文篇三:科技使文化變單一 ?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Modern technology is creating a single world culture.

Model Answer:

Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of the cave to these days when he can chart with someone on the other side of the globe. Modern technology is rapidly changing the world's living standards that results in creating a single world culture. New technologies including Internet, television, electronic media, means of transportation, etc has a great impact on creating a similar culture all around the globe. Bellow I will list my reasons to support my opinion.

First of all, Internet and e-mail have changed the way people communicate to each other. Internet brought many benefits. It is a new means of communication, a fast access to information and news. People communicate with each other, share their ideas, happiness and difficulties. We have a great opportunity to find out more about countries and their history.

Second of all, the modern means of transportation allows people to move from one place to another very quickly. A few centuries ago it was impossible to imagine waking up in one country and falling asleep in another.

Finally, as a result of all mentioned above the boundaries between countries, their traditions and customs are erased. Many people migrate during their lives. Some of them are looking for a better place to live, others want to get new experience and knowledge or just pleasure. So, many families are created between people from different countries. Traditions fuse and evolve into other ones or just vanish.

To sup up, modern technology has a great impact on the way people live now. It is creating a new single world culture where traditions and distances are no longer of that importance. ?

雅思高分作文范文篇四:入鄉(xiāng)隨俗 ?

When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs.

Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer?

Model Answer:

People may choose to keep their old traditions from their native country or to accept new ones. Keeping the old customs will help one to overcome the cultural shock and the change of the environment. From the other side, accepting the new traditions will help one to adapt and make new friends with residents. In this essay I will give different reasons why people decide to follow the customs of the new country or to keep their own customs.

If one is from the country with strong and old traditions, I think it will be rather difficult for him to adapt to the new customs and moreover to reject his own. That is why some people from the same country try to live together and to create their own community where the old traditions are kept. They can not break the customs that were created by their ancestors. For example, some nations are restricted in certain kinds of food by their traditions. So, they do not go to the restaurants unless their traditional food is served there. Some nations according to their customs have to wear certain types of cloth because their religion tells them to do so.

From the other side, if one is from the country with traditions similar to ones of the new country it will be easy for him to adopt and to follow the customs of the new place. He will not feel much difference. Probably, the most difficult part of his relocation will be to accustom to the new climate.

I think that people of the new country are friendlier when they see that foreigner follows their customs. I belief that traditions of every country deserve respect, especially, when one lives there. In summary, I think that every country has its own beauty and if one wants to find out more about it he will love it.

People may choose to keep their old traditions from their native country or to accept new ones. Keeping the old customs will help one to overcome the cultural shock and the change of the environment. From the other side, accepting the new traditions will help one to adapt and make new friends with residents. In this essay I will give different reasons why people decide to follow the customs of the new country or to keep their own customs.

If one is from the country with strong and old traditions, I think it will be rather difficult for him to adapt to the new customs and moreover to reject his own. That is why some people from the same country try to live together and to create their own community where the old traditions are kept. They can not break the customs that were created by their ancestors. For example, some nations are restricted in certain kinds of food by their traditions. So, they do not go to the restaurants unless their traditional food is served there. Some nations according to their customs have to wear certain types of cloth because their religion tells them to do so.

From the other side, if one is from the country with traditions similar to ones of the new country it will be easy for him to adopt and to follow the customs of the new place. He will not feel much difference. Probably, the most difficult part of his relocation will be to accustom to the new climate.

I think that people of the new country are friendlier when they see that foreigner follows their customs. I belief that traditions of every country deserve respect, especially, when one lives there. In summary, I think that every country has its own beauty and if one wants to find out more about it he will love it.
