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位置:北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京雅思培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于找到雅思口語4.5分怎么提升


日期:2019-09-02 12:54:31     瀏覽:612    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

雅思4.5就是差不多對(duì)一半錯(cuò)一半的水平??谡Z如果不遇到極端的考官,4.5是很簡(jiǎn)單的,一半能拿到5分,下面是小編搜集整理的關(guān)于雅思口語4.5分怎么提升的資料,歡迎查閱。 ?

雅思口語4.5分怎么提升 ?

1.上網(wǎng)搜尋考試信息 ?



2.咨詢一下你最近的英國文化辦事處 ?

他們可以給你提供一些幫助性的資料,或者推薦一些考試復(fù)習(xí)課程 ?

3.多讀英文報(bào)紙,期刊,文章 ?

在寫作和口語當(dāng)中,你可以用到報(bào)刊中*的新聞和實(shí)事作為素材,你還可以和朋友討論這些實(shí)事,為口語第三部分做準(zhǔn)備。 ?

4.多聽BBC,CNN,多看國外原版電影,訓(xùn)練聽力 ?

每天*花30分鐘時(shí)間聽BBC英語來練習(xí)聽力 ?

5.試著找出你的弱點(diǎn) ?

攻破自己的弱項(xiàng),是關(guān)鍵。比如你的弱項(xiàng)是寫作,請(qǐng)放多一點(diǎn)的時(shí)間在寫作上,你會(huì)漸漸喜歡上它。如果你的口語是弱項(xiàng),記得多說英語,因?yàn)闆]有其他練習(xí)英語的好方法。如果你多練習(xí)說英語,表達(dá)會(huì)變得更自然。 ?

6.選擇一個(gè)切實(shí)的目標(biāo) ?

要獲得一個(gè)理想的成績(jī),你需要剖析自己,自己的語言技能,自己的努力和得到的分?jǐn)?shù)都匹配的。你要知道IELTS考試每一個(gè)部分分?jǐn)?shù)的意義,這樣你可以清晰地設(shè)立自己的目標(biāo)。 ?

7.不斷地練習(xí) ?

每天騰出一些時(shí)間來練習(xí)英語。也不要一味地只關(guān)注自己弱的那一個(gè)項(xiàng)目。經(jīng)常保持練習(xí)。在完成每個(gè)部分之間合理地安排休息,在每周中安排一天休息,不要想考試。成功的秘訣在于每天進(jìn)步一點(diǎn)點(diǎn),把每次練習(xí)或試考當(dāng)成是正式考試。 ?

雅思口語怎么備考 ?

1.Should I be relaxed and easygoing or serious and formal? ?

考試時(shí),我應(yīng)該表現(xiàn)得輕松自在還是正襟危坐? ?

Try to be relaxed. You don't need to sound academic in the speaking interview. Just imagine that you are discussing the interview questions with your friend so that you sound more natural and fluent. Examiners are your friends! ?

試著讓自己放輕松。如果太緊張,可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致無法充分發(fā)揮原有的英文能力。把口試官想象成你的朋友,輕松自然地回答即可。 ?

2.Is it OK to give short answers to avoid making too many mistakes? ?

我可以簡(jiǎn)答以避免犯太多的錯(cuò)誤嗎? ?

No. Try to give full, extended, complete answers and sentences. You need to demonstrate as much English as possible in the time given. ?


3.Will I lose points if the examiner disagrees with my opinion? ?

如果考官不認(rèn)同我的意見,我會(huì)被扣分嗎? ?

No. You are judged on your English, not your opinions. There is no right or wrong opinion. ?

不會(huì)??谠嚨脑u(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是你的英文能力,而非意見,更無論對(duì)錯(cuò)了。 ?

4.How is my performance assessed? ?

我不是個(gè)有主見的人,這樣也可以拿到高分嗎? ?

Yes. As long as you keep talking and use a wide range of English, you can get a high score as this is not an IQ test. Boring or obvious opinions are fine if you can produce a wide and accurate range of language when expressing them. ?

當(dāng)然可以。只要你持續(xù)不斷地用正確的英文來表達(dá)自己的想法,即可得到高分,即使是乏味的意見也沒關(guān)系,因?yàn)檫@并不是智力測(cè)驗(yàn)。 ?

5. I have a North American accent, is that OK? ?

我有美國口音,這樣可以嗎? ?

Yes. American English is not penalised in any part of the test whether it be pronunciation or spelling. ?

可以。美國口音或拼寫并不會(huì)影響評(píng)分。 ?

雅思口語part2參考范文:健談的人 ?

Describe someone who is talkative ?

You should say: ?

Who this person is ?

How you know this person ?

What this person likes to talk about ?

How you feel about this person ?

雅思口語part2話題參考范文 ?

I know many people who are very talkative but here I am going to talk about my cousin Rubina, who is the most talkative person known to me. ?

Rubina is my paternal uncle’s daughter and lives next door. She is fifteen and is studying in 10th class. Tall , beautiful , She has dimples on both cheeks when she smiles. She is such a chatterbox that when she is around, you don’t need any TV or radio for entertainment. ?

She is fond of watching movies and then she tells me the story in so much detail that I feel I have actually seen the movie. She has a great sense of humour and can lighten up any tense situation. ?

She is very good at studies and wants to become a lawyer. Sometimes her talkative nature has put her in a lot of trouble. Many times her teachers have punished her in class for talking a lot. I remember once she was made to stand out in the sun for one hour in the scorching heat of the sun. She was on the verge of fainting but even that could not quieten her. ?

She can go on and on and sometimes I wonder from where she gets all the energy to speak so much. She is loved by all in our family and even in the neighbourhood. I believe she will be a very good lawyer because she has good communication skills. I love this cute chatterbox and when she is quiet, I feel something is wrong and I don’t like it. ?
