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全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于發(fā)現(xiàn)職場職位英語


日期:2019-08-31 10:29:43     瀏覽:486    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  常見詞匯   office ?n.辦公室   personnel department 人事部   general affairs department 總務(wù)部   general accounting department 財務(wù)部   sales department 銷售部   human resource department 人力資源部   advertising department 廣告部   manager n.經(jīng)理   director ?n.董事,總監(jiān)   finance department 財務(wù)部   office building 寫字樓   board of directors 董事會   business trip 商業(yè)旅行   meeting room 會議室   general manager 總經(jīng)理   marketing department 市場部


?   常用句子   Why didn't you employ the new method?   你們?yōu)槭裁床徊捎媚莻€新方法呢?   This company has a staff of sixty.   這家公司有六十名職員。   We founded a publishing company.   我們成立了一家出版公司。   He has got a position in a bank.   他在一家銀行找到一份工作。   Unemployment is still high because of a rapid rise in price.   由于物價快速上漲,失業(yè)率仍然很高。   He did not got promotion even though he has worked for five years.   他已經(jīng)工作五年了,卻還沒有得到晉升。   He wants to get higher salary.   他想得到更高的薪水。   Saturdays are workdays for her.   星期六對她來說也是工作日。   He resigned due to ill health.   他因健康原因辭職了。   情景對話   A: You look upset. What's wrong with you?   B: My job is so boring that I get tired of it.   A: Why do you fed up with your job? I remember that you like your work very much before.   B: Well, when I first stepped into the workforce, I was full of passion and interests. But now I have worked for three years.   A: Now that you have worked for three years, you must be learning much and accumulating much experience. Aren't you?   B: Yes, my personal abilities have developed a lot. But I have never been promoted in the three years.   A: Are you sure that you are working hard enough?   B: Yes, I think I have done my best.   A: Is it because that your boss does not like you?   B: Perhaps. I don't get along well with my boss.   A: No wonder. If you aren't appreciated by your boss, how could you get promotion and raised?   B: What should I do?   A: First you should change your attitude of mind. Getting promotion or higher salary not only need hardworking but also need getting along with your colleagues especially your boss.   B: Alright, I see. Thank you.   A: You're welcome.   A:你看起來不太開心,發(fā)生什么事了?   B:我的工作很枯燥,我厭倦了。   A:你為什么厭倦你的工作了?我記得你以前很喜歡你的工作的呀。   B:是的,我初入職場的時候,確實是充滿激情和興趣的。但是現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)工作三年了。   A:既然你已經(jīng)工作三年了,你肯定學(xué)到了很多東西,積累了很多經(jīng)驗,不是嗎?   B:是的,我的個人能力提高了很多。但是三年了我還沒有升過職。   A:你確定你工作足夠努力嗎?   B:是的,我已經(jīng)盡力做到比較好了。   A:是不是因為你的老板不喜歡你呢?   B:或許是吧,我跟我的老板相處得不是很好。   A:這就難怪了。如果你沒有得到老板的賞識,怎么可能得到升職和加薪呢?   B:那我該怎么辦呢?   A:你首先得轉(zhuǎn)變自己的心態(tài)。要想得到升職和加薪.不但要努力工作,還要和同事特別是你的老板好好相處。   B:好的,我明白了。謝謝你!   A:不客氣。