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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于懂得西湖旅游英語


日期:2019-08-25 17:37:20     瀏覽:746    來源:天才領路者


?   A: My god, it's such a lovely lake!The lake has a water surface of 5.6 squarekilometers.   B: No wonder it looks so huge   A: We are now walking on what is in fact an island. Here we get one of the 10sceneries of the West Lake: Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake.   B: Why is it called "Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake"?   A: It's so named because in the ?pavilion over there the great poet Bai Juyi of the TangDynasty would take a rest after drinking a little too much, and watch the moon over the lake.   B: Very romantic   A: Now let's board the boat and have a ride on the lake.   B: Sure (They get on the boat).   A: Wang, what's that building over there?川ooks like some sort of a huge pavilion.   B: You are right. That's the Heart of Lake Pavilion, situated on an islet. It was built in1552 and is the largest pavilion on the West Lake. Oh, here we are at the Little Yingzhouisland. Let's get off the boat. Please watch your steps.   A:我的天,多么迷人的湖啊!西湖的水面面積為5.6平方公里。   B:難怪顯得這么大。   A:我們現(xiàn)在走在一個小島上,這里有西湖十景之一:平湖秋月。   B:為什么叫“平湖秋月”呢?   A:因為唐朝大詩人白居易在暢飲之后在那邊那個亭子中休息,看著湖面上的月亮,因此叫“平湖秋月”。   B:非常浪漫。   A:我們現(xiàn)在上船到湖中去游覽一下吧。   B:好(他們上船)。   A:王,那邊那個建筑是什么?看上去像個巨大的亭子。   B:沒錯,那是湖心亭,坐落在一個小島上。它建于1552年,是西湖亭子,哦,我們到了小瀛洲了。我們下船吧。請腳下留神。   常用口語表達   Swans and flamingos are both residents of this lake.   天鵝和火鶴都棲息在這個湖中。   We looked at our reflections in the lake.   我們看著自己在湖中的倒影。   Green cypress reflected upside the lake, lakes and mountains each other, they formeda beautiful picture of the south.   青翠柏倒映湖中,湖光山色交相輝映,形成了一幅美麗的江南畫卷。   高頻詞匯   lake湖   reflect反射,映出   romantic浪漫的   island島   reflection倒影   resident居民   pavilion亭子   lovely秀美動人的 ? ? ? ?以上是由小編為您整理的西湖旅游英語的全部內容。