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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 總算發(fā)現(xiàn)關于電子商務的商務英語對話


日期:2019-08-24 09:32:54     瀏覽:221    來源:天才領路者

隨著互聯(lián)網的發(fā)展,電子商務行業(yè)逐漸地興起,潛力巨大,特別是在這幾年發(fā)展的如火如荼 。下面小編就來說說關于電子商務的商務英語對話,大家千萬別錯過。 ?



關于電子商務的商務英語對話 ?

網絡零售的魅力在于,與其他銷售渠道相比,它沒有什么市場阻力??梢垣@得低成本、大市場的優(yōu)勢。 ?

The appeal of web-based re-tail is that it seems to have fewer barriers to entry than other sales channels. You can have lower start-up costs wider distribution capabilities. ?

人們從網上購物是不是比從市場上購物更便宜呢? ?

Are the goods people buy on the Internet usually less expensive than at the market? ?

是的。效率高對公司來說就意味成本低。低成本使人們最終能買到價格低廉的汽車、家具和世界上其他消費品。 ?

Yes. Efficiency means lower cost for the company, and that lower cost eventually translated into lower cost for consumers for the cars and furniture and the things they buy in the world. ?

如果國際互聯(lián)網能提供企業(yè)好的價格,企業(yè)就能提供給消費者好的價格。 ?

If the Internet can deliver a better price to business can deliver a better price to consumers. ?

是這樣的。 ?

That’s true. ?

網上交易多嗎? ?

Are there many online transactions? ?

很多。據報道去年消費者在國際互聯(lián)網上購買了價值幾十億美元的商品。 ?

Yes, it is reported consumers bought billions’ worth of goods on the Internet last year. ?

電子商務前途很光-,明,是吧? ?

E-commerce has a very bright future, doesn’t it? ?

是的。甚至農民也開始在網上做生意。從種,子、化肥到整群的牛,什么東西都可以從網.上買賣。 ?

Absolutely. Even farmers are beginning to do business over the Internet, buying and selling everything from seed to fertilizer to entire herds of cattle. ?

在日益走向全球化、并且競爭愈來愈激,烈的經濟環(huán)境中,一定會有越來越多的企業(yè)從事電子商務。 ?

In an increasingly global and increasingly competitive economy there must be more and more business engaged in e-com-merce. ?


跟電子商務有關的商務英語口語對話 ?

電子商務與EDI是什么關系? ?

What’s the relationship between E-commerce and EDI? ?

EDI只是電子商務的一部分。 ?

EDI is only a part of E-commerce. ?

請具體說說? ?

Would you please describe it in detail? ?

電子商務不僅包括在線交易,還包括進行市場調研、尋找商機、與商務機構及供應商保持聯(lián)系、合作設計產品等。 ?

E-commerce includes not only the online transactions but also the market investigation business hunting keeping in contact with business institutions and supplier, cooperative designing of products. ?

噢,電子商務涉及的活動更加廣泛、全面而靈活。 ?

Oh, the activities involved in are more flexible, extensive rounded. ?

EDI只是在貿易各方的計算機之間自動進行電子數據傳輸和貿易業(yè)務處理。 . ?

EDI is to interchange the electronic data among the computers of the trading partners and to handle the trading business automatically . ?

電子報關是不是一種形式的? ?

Is Customs Electronic Declaration one form of EDI? ?

是的?,F(xiàn)在都提倡“無紙貿易”,逐步淘汰紙面單證。 ?

Yes. 6iNo-paper trading91 is favored. Paper documents will gradually disappear. ?

嗯,傳統(tǒng)的制單結匯過程太慢了。 ?

En, traditional tabulating and settlement of exchange are too slow. tabulating and settlement of exchange ?

你知道嗎?新加坡已經廢除了所有紙面貿易文件,報關一律使用方式。 ?

Do you know Singapore has done away with all paper trading documents and EDI must be used in Customs declaration without exception? Customs declaration ?

這是否會引發(fā)一場-全球性的商業(yè)變革?? ?

Will this lead to a global business revolution? ?

我想會的。屆時全.球交易將更迅速、高,效、準確,交易量也將更大。 ?

I think so. The global transactions will be faster more efficient and accurate and in great quantity at that time. ?

電子商務英語情景對話 ?

A:What is Electronic Commerce? ?

電子商務是什么? ?

B:E commerce includes any business transacted electronically,whether the transaction occurs between two business partners or a business and its customers. ?

電子商務是指一切通過電子手段進行的交易,包括在商務伙伴之間和商家與其客戶之間的貿易活動。 ?

A:What is the breadth of E commerce? ?

電子商務的范疇是什么? ?

B:The breadth of E commerce includes both Internet based transactions and other electronic transactions such as EDI over value added networks(VANs),purchases from bulletin board systems(BBSs),or online services,and transactions that take place using direct links into a company s computer network. ?

電子商務的范疇既包括通過互聯(lián)網進行的任何與商務有關的活動,也包括如通過增值網所進行的其他電子交易,如電子數據交換(EDI),還包括通過電子公告牌(BBS)進行的采購交易、企業(yè)在線式服務以及通過直接鏈接企業(yè)計算機網絡發(fā)生的各種商務活動等。 ?

A:Does E commerce mean online transactions all the time? ?

電子商務意味著一直在線交易嗎? ?

B:No.E commerce involves more than simple online transactions.The term also encompasses such diverse activities as conducting market research,identifying opportunities and partners,cultivating relationships with customers and suppliers,document exchange,and joint product design.E commerce is often not fully electronic.Typically,online transactions require some level of human intervention.The overall goal,however is to integrate E commerce into existing business processes.This integration of online sales with back end business processes is referred to as full significance E commerce. ?

不是。電子商務除了包括簡單的在線交易以外,還包括其他各種不同的商務活動,如進行市場調研、尋找商機和商務伙伴、與客戶和供應商建立良好關系、交換文件及共同設計產品。盡管名為電子商務,但它常常并不完全是通過電子手段來進行的。具有代表性的一點是,在線交易往往有某種程度的人工介入。但是,其總體目標是將電子商務并入現(xiàn)有商務的全部過程。在線銷售與公司內部商務運作的有機結合才是全部意義的電子商務。 ?

A:Thank you very much. ?

非常感謝。 ?

B:Not at all. ?

不客氣。 ?
