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位置:北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京托福培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算明了托福寫作范文|關(guān)于社團(tuán)的托福寫作范文與解析


日期:2019-08-22 17:10:06     瀏覽:76    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  托福寫作范文|關(guān)于社團(tuán)的托福寫作范文與解析。托??荚囎魑氖且粋€大的得分點,但是有很多托??忌鷽]能把握好導(dǎo)致失分嚴(yán)重。佛山英語根據(jù)多年的托福培訓(xùn)經(jīng)驗從出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及解析,提供給大家借鑒,以下就是佛山英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關(guān)于社團(tuán)的托福寫作范文與解析。 ?   托福寫作范文|關(guān)于社團(tuán)的托福寫作范文與解析題目: ?   Agree or disagree: students can benefit from student organization and club activities as much as from their academic studies. ?   題型:比較 ?   觀點:讓步 ?   角度:利弊分析 ?   開頭: 同意學(xué)生參加社團(tuán)活動和學(xué)業(yè)成績一樣重要。(話題引入 +雙方 /某 方觀點呈現(xiàn) +我方觀點及過度) ?   Since the government spares no efforts to promote “quality education” which zeros in on students' all-?゛round development, students nowadays no longer remain academics-?ヽentered or exam-?﹐riented, instead, they are exposed to various students organizations and club activities. This transformation divides onlookers into two basic camps with opposite views: some people are in favor of the previous system while others support the recent change. Personally, I am a big ?fan ?of ?“quality ?education” ?and ?I ?am ?totally ?in ?agreement ?with ?students'participation in extra——curricular activities. My reasons are as follows. ?(88 字) ?   中間段 1:學(xué)生組織和社團(tuán)活動能鍛煉到學(xué)術(shù)能力以外的重要能力。(主 題句 +說理論證 +細(xì)節(jié) 例子 ) ?   Firstly, ?students ?partaking ?organizations or ?club ?activities can ?develop some non-academic ? capabilities ?such ?as ?leadership, ?communication ?or ?execution, which are crucial for the future. It is because no matter what kind of student organization or club it is, the goal is always to achieve something with the cooperation of all members. During the process, there must be leaders who organize activities, give orders or assign workloads and members who should communicate with each other timely to ensure that everything goes smoothly. I remember I used to be the leader of an English speaking society in college and I successfully organized several large-?﹕cale speaking contests. The capability accumulating ?through ?those ?activities ?laid ?a ?foundation ?for ?my ?future ?work.(117 字) ?   中間段 2: ?在這些俱樂部和學(xué)生組織中 ,我們能找到志同道合的朋友 ,這是快樂的源泉。(主題句 +說理論證 +細(xì)節(jié)例子 ) ?   In addition, student organizations and clubs are places where we can make great friends and ?it spices up tedious campus life. A certain type ?of student organization or club is like a group or circle that appeals to people with similar hobbies or interests, and that is the reason why one can find his or her congenial friends in the club more often that not. For example, people who love taking photos will join the photography club, and movie-?ゞoers are always take part in movie salons and exchange mutual ideas and thoughts on the same movie. Undoubtedly, ?being ?together ?with ?people ?having ?the ?shared ?aspirations ?and enthusiasm is the source of happiness. ?(112 字) ?   讓步: 學(xué)術(shù)學(xué)習(xí)也是很重要的, 讓我們系統(tǒng)掌握專業(yè)知識。 但是不能因為 學(xué)業(yè)就放棄參加社團(tuán)活動,否則就成為 geek or nerd,智商很高但缺乏情商。(承認(rèn)第二個點也有好處 /壞處 +對其進(jìn)行打壓、削弱) ?   Admittedly, academic study is of vital importance to every student for it provides basic and systemic knowledge to which we cannot be blind. However, the importance of academic study does not mean student organization and club activities are dispensable. One who devotes himself to academic study without paying any attention to extra-?ヽurricular activities stands a fair chance to become a nerd with high IQ but low EQ and that case is not an ideal one. ?(75 字) ?   結(jié)尾:重申觀點 +歸納理由 /升華主題 ?   In a nutshell, I regard student organization and club activity as important as academic study. As an old saying goes, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, if you do not want to be dull, then go to join an organization or a club immediately, because in there, you will harvest unexpected treasures. ?(56 字) ?   以上就是佛山英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關(guān)于社團(tuán)的托福寫作范文與解析。佛山英語在此提醒大家,作文切忌死記硬背,合理的使用托福寫作范文,正確對待托??荚?。