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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 總算明白保健品英語


日期:2019-08-20 08:50:57     瀏覽:575    來源:天才領路者
  相關詞匯   acid ?n. 酸   albumen ?n. 蛋白   American ginseng ?西洋參   amino ?adj. 氨基的   bovine colostrum ?牛初乳   calcium ?n ?鈣   cod-liver oil ?魚肝油   element ?n. 要素,元素   ginseng ?n. 人參   iron ?n. 鐵   liquid ?n. 液體   member ?n.成員,會員   pollen ?n. 花粉   powder ?n. 粉,粉末.粉狀物質   product ?n. 產(chǎn)品.產(chǎn)物   recently ?adv. 不久前.近。近來   SCOOP ?n. 小鏟,小勺   sodium ?n.鈉   stir ?v. 攪拌   zinc ?n. 鋅


?   情景對話   A: Excuse me, Sir. Sorry to interrupt you. I'm a member of the Amway Nutrition.   B: Yes, I have heard of Amway. What can I do for you?   A: We recently developed a new health product. I think you might be interested in it. Would you want to have a try?   B: OK. Give me more details.   A: It is called Amway albumen powder. It is made up of 18kinds of amino acid and many other nutritious elements such as sodium, iron, calcium. If you take it every day, it will do good to your health.   B: Sounds pretty cool. You say it is powder, how should I take it?   A: Oh, that's easy. First, add one scoop of the albumen powder to a glass of milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice, or other liquid; Second, stir rapidly for 45 seconds. Then, it will be ready for you to drink. It won't take you a longtime.   B: Well, it's really convenient. How much is it?   A: It's cheap. It only costs you 260 yuan a bottle.   B: It is a little expensive. But, I should invest some money in my health. Give me two bottles, please.   參考譯文   A:抱歉.先生.打擾您了。我是安利營養(yǎng)協(xié)會的會員。   B:嗯。我聽說過安利。你有什么事嗎?   A:我們近開發(fā)了一種新的健康產(chǎn)品.我想您可能會有興趣.要不要試一試?   B:具體說說看吧.   A:這種產(chǎn)品叫安利蛋白質粉。富含18種氨基酸和鈉、鐵、鈣等營養(yǎng)成分。如果你每天食用,會對您的健康有好處.   B:聽起來不錯.你說是粉狀的,那應該怎么服用呢?   A:嗯,很容易。首先,加一勺蛋白質粉到牛奶、果汁、疏菜汁或者其他液體飲料中。然后,快速攪拌45秒。接著,就可以直接飲用了?;ú涣撕芏鄷r間的。   B:嗯.確實挺方便。多少錢?   A:不貴的一瓶260元。   B:還是有點貴的。不過,我應該為我的健康做一些投資。給我兩瓶吧。