隨著國際禁令解封,現(xiàn)在很多人都在為出國留學做打算,但出國留學外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下雅思口語想去的,還有這些【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】想去但還沒去過的*,【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】特別的旅行,南昌雅思口語考試怎么樣?可以的話想去南昌參加雅思考試,求南昌的朋友給點幫助吧,我為什么不建議你去練英式發(fā)音?,求一篇介紹一個地方的雅思口語范文,雅思口語 最喜歡的*,雅思口語話題 描述a city?? 也是大家所關心的
1.【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】想去但還沒去過的*
各位寶寶們!學姐我又來啦!你們一直催更的雅思口語話題素材積累,又如約而至啦!今天的題目是醬嬸兒滴:Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven't been to.You should say:where this place iswhat it is likewhat you can do in this explain why you want to visit this country.地點類題目回答起來都是有一定套路的嗷~時態(tài)方面:在陳述不同內容的時候要有一定的變化!記得是要描述細節(jié)!細節(jié)!而不是概括!丨題目解析:首先思路方面,地點類話題我們是有套路的,一定會包括這個地方在哪,你在那里可以看到&做什么,什么時候去,跟誰去等要點。一般what you can see&do there會是描述的重點??赡軙玫降拇_的時態(tài)包括:一般現(xiàn)在時:在開頭陳述這個*的地理狀況的時候使用(it's located somewhere,it's a ... country);過去時:因為這個*是自己沒有去過的,所以它的一切信息我們肯定都是通過去過的人、電視電影、網(wǎng)絡等途徑,可能會說my friend told me that.../ I saw ... on TV/ I got to know about ... from the internet來引出我們對這個*的了解,也就是what you can see;虛擬語態(tài):如果真的去了這個*你會做些什么,也就是what you would do,當然這部分如果不用if從句用一般現(xiàn)在時也是OK的。*素材方面,建議大家把這個*最吸引你的特色盡量詳細地描述出來,而不是列舉它的概況,如此才能讓我們的答案聽起來真實自然,而不是從維基百科上背了一篇詞條解釋。比如想去Korea的話,就可以重點說我從Korean 里面看到韓國的各種美食(delicious food&snacks),或者韓國人穿衣服非常stylish所以我想去go on a shopping spree there。附:spree這個詞聽起來是不是特別熟悉呢,玩英雄聯(lián)盟的同學如果你們想不起來的話那真的可以刪游戲了,大殺特殺就是killing spree,shopping spree就是大買特買。如果想去Japan的話,我們講比如日本的hot spring非常的famous,想要去一下tea ceremony(茶道)和ikebana(花道),也想去taste那里的seafood,sashimi(刺身),kaiseki meals(懷石料理)等。我們這里給出比較general的參考,當然還是更鼓勵同學們在作答時給出有個性的內容~丨詞匯拓展:what you can see in a foreign country:aurora(極光), a //exotic view, more civilised behaviour of local people, the firework festival, the of ... festival, the parade of national festival etc.what you can do in a foreign country:water sports, hiking, have a ride on ..., bungee jump, go on a shopping spree, visit theme parks, taste the local food, learn about the local culture etc.丨再給大家一個比較好的Sample:Speaking of a foreign country I'd like to visit, the first one that comes to my mind is the U.S.It's a huge country in North America and it's literally the first foreign country I've ever heard of in my life. Since I was a kid, my dad began to show my the music videos of Michael Jackson and play Mariah Carey's songs all day. These people's names might sound quite old school but at that time they seemed really cool to me. I guess that was the root of my interest in this country. And of course when I become a teenager I began to have passion for hollywood films and TV series, which are mostly about different people realising their American dreams. So the US has always been giving me this that anything could happen in that . From the films and the my , there're big cities like LA and New York City which are really modern. On the west coast, you can enjoy the sunshine and have a ride on a yacht. I saw girls riding bikes wearing bikini on the streets of LA, and it was that no one would judge them for anything. It's hard to imagine that happening in China to be honest. Also I've seen people bungee jumping in the Big Canyon on the internet, it just seems so thrilling and totally exciting. LA is the city that I long for the most, because I'm really into water sports and those beaches seem really .I guess that's the main reason why I want to visit the US.好啦,今天的解析就到這里。還是那句話,范文看再多也是別人的,所以還是希望同學們可以自己張嘴練習,最開始可能覺得痛苦,但是通過積累,慢慢上手之后一定會有不小的收獲呢~學姐祝愿各位小烤鴨都能早日突破口語短板,雅思分數(shù)7777!學姐祝泥萌斬獲7777往期回顧???【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】忘記了重要的事情【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】為保護環(huán)境所做的小事兒【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】重要的歷史事件【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】共度時光的家人【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】休假的一天如何過?【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】有報酬的工作【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】最美的時光【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】走了一段很長的路【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】有關健康生活的文章【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】制造噪音的人或事還沒看過癮?還想學更多?更多雅思口語相關內容,建議直接關注【雅思IELTS口語】專欄哦↓↓↓雅思IELTS口語其他雅思/留學/英語干貨,歡迎關注學姐哦~【?福利時間?】碼字不易,還有什么想問的問題或想知道的內容,歡迎點贊并關注學姐提問哦~知乎的寶寶,還可獲得新東方*教研資料好多多多份哦~—— 領取方法 ——添加學姐微信:xdfyasi21 ,好友驗證信息:知乎(必填)有用記得給學姐點個贊哈哈哈~
2.【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】特別的旅行
各位寶寶們!學姐我又來啦!你們一直催更的雅思口語話題素材積累,又如約而至啦!今天的題目是醬嬸兒滴:Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say:Where this place isWho you would like to go withWhat you would do thereAnd explain why this would be a special trip.丨話題分析對于這個話題回答要突出“special”,所以不要談一些諸如“這次旅行擴大了我的視野,增長了見識,身心得到了放松”這樣的常規(guī)回答套路,可以挖掘一些新鮮的有趣的點。時態(tài)上也要注意,因為是a special trip you would like to go on in the future,所以注意一般將來時的正確用法。另外還可能用到虛擬語氣,要注意if條件句后動詞要變成過去式的形式,主句是would/could的形式,如if I got a chance to visit Spain, I would watch a live Flamenco dance show.丨加分詞匯 natural beauty 迷人的自然風光 view 令人驚嘆的風景exotic culture 異國風情thrilling 令人興奮的tourist 旅游景點itinerary 行程highlight of the trip 旅行中最精彩的部分gateway 通道丨Sample are many places in the world that I have been dreaming to travel to. The one I’m really eager to visit is Spain. I knew this country from my cousin who is currently studying in Madrid, Spain. With great beaches, fun nightlife, many cultural regions and historic sites, Spain makes a great for a family trip since it can meet the demands of any kind of .In terms of what I would do there, as a foodie, the first thing I would do after getting there is certainly trying the Spanish cuisine. My cousin has me a couple of authentic Spanish dishes, such as paella, gazpacho. My mouth is actually starting to water just thinking of it. Another must-do thing in Spain is around the country. You know, this country boasts rich culture and natural beauty. There are a variety of museums, exotic and alluring beaches which are worth a visit.The reason why I regard the trip to Spain a special one is that it could provide me with a chance to know more about Flamenco dance which you know is a Spanish dance. I first got to know this type of dance on TV. This type of dance was so unique that it caught my eyes . It involves fierce foot stomping, hand clapping and intricate hand, arm and body movements. It is highly , which separates Flamenco from any other type of dance in the world. If I got a chance to visit Spain, I could watch a live Flamenco dance show and discover something more about this dance. I believe it must be a thrilling .In addition to this, if I paid a visit to Spain, I could meet my cousin. You know, we haven’t seen each other for quite a while, basically since she went to Spain two years ago. So I really miss her a lot. Also, there are many things in my life that I’m eager to share with her. I can’t wait to see her!好啦,今天的解析就到這里。還是那句話,范文看再多也是別人的,所以還是希望同學們可以自己張嘴練習,最開始可能覺得痛苦,但是通過積累,慢慢上手之后一定會有不小的收獲呢~學姐祝愿各位小烤鴨都能早日突破口語短板,雅思分數(shù)7777!學姐祝泥萌斬獲7777往期回顧???【雅思口語Part 1話題】Sky【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】某一次的等待【雅思口語Part 1話題】Park / Public Garden【雅思口語Part 1話題】Animals【雅思口語Part 1話題】Teamwork【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】新聞中出現(xiàn)的那個你想見的人【雅思口語Part 1話題】Museums【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】對你有特殊意義的歌曲【雅思口語Part 1話題】Social Network【雅思口語Part 2&3話題】想去但還沒去過的*還沒看過癮?還想學更多?更多雅思口語相關內容,建議直接關注【雅思IELTS口語】專欄哦↓↓↓雅思IELTS口語其他雅思/留學/英語干貨,歡迎關注學姐哦~【?福利時間?】碼字不易,還有什么想問的問題或想知道的內容,歡迎點贊并關注學姐提問哦~知乎的寶寶,還可獲得新東方*教研資料好多多多份哦~這份誠意滿滿的大禮包包含:雅思口語+聽力+寫作+閱讀+詞匯+真題精講+原版書籍+申請文書?!?領取方法 ——關注學姐,并添加學姐微信:xdfyasi21 ,好友驗證信息:知乎(必填)有用記得給學姐點個贊哈哈哈~
我發(fā)現(xiàn)有很多備考雅思口語的同學,都想去學習地道英式發(fā)音我覺得對英式發(fā)音的熱愛無外乎這幾個原因 :* : 英式發(fā)音更sexy,更受大家歡迎(這一點確實如此)。第二 : 在*比較少聽到英式發(fā)音,所以會覺得它比較珍貴~物以稀為貴。第三 : 大部分都學美語,人無我有,覺得這種感覺很棒。這是我給你們的建議 : (很重要!!!)如果現(xiàn)在你的美語已經(jīng)不錯,那我建議你不要換學英式發(fā)音。除非你真的下定決心~你會持之以恒~會下很多功夫練英式發(fā)音。因為大部分的人都是三分鐘熱度。去學英式發(fā)音會覺得很棒~很興奮~很好玩!但是大概過了一兩個星期就會覺得好辛苦~有點不想學了...然后就會開始想放棄練英式發(fā)音...我認識幾個練過英式發(fā)音的人,他們通常練到8~9個月后會有小成,*大概是一年以上。關于英式發(fā)音,對比比較強烈的有三種,RP,倫敦音,現(xiàn)代英式英語。RP的發(fā)音特點是轉調特別多,在一個句子里會經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)4種以上的語調變化,所以模仿時候,一定要反復思考自己在跟讀時候,嘴巴和舌位的位置,關鍵就在這里,如果你不思考,就會不斷重復不斷模仿,但是就是找不到位置。倫敦音的發(fā)音特點在于口腔肌肉撕扯非常大,需要注意口腔大小大急速變化,在練習來說,是最難的一種,同時我自己覺得倫敦音并不好聽。現(xiàn)代英式英語的特點是非常接近RP,但是又沒有RP那么多的轉調,重讀單詞和連讀規(guī)則也較容易掌握,句子以降調居多,只是在強調及副詞等部分重讀。但是我還是希望同學們不要抱著玩票的心態(tài)練英式發(fā)音。尤其你是要考口語的話~這樣只會導致你之后的發(fā)音混亂, (除非你離正式考試還很久~至少有八個月以上可以練習。)所以要學英式發(fā)音~可以! 但要下決心練!所以雅思考生不要浪費時間來練英式發(fā)音!(除非你是程度非常初階,發(fā)音弱到會嚴重影響溝通時的理解?;蛘呤窍肟焖偈煜び⑹桨l(fā)音的聽力。)畢竟雅思四項聽說讀寫已經(jīng)夠你練了,發(fā)音只是你的口語四分之一。對于一年內就要拿到目標分數(shù)的雅思考生,你真的沒有那么多的時間可以用在學一個新的口音,并且把這個新的口語~練到足以在考試時發(fā)音好到加分。 (不管你講美式/英式/澳式等,發(fā)音好都加分。)所以發(fā)音的部分~請顧好自己原本的口音,讓自己的發(fā)音準確清楚不影響理解就好。其他時間你要好好練劍橋雅思原題! 結論是如果你沒有8個月以上的備考時間,就不要刻意練習英式發(fā)音除非你是想要來快速熟悉英式發(fā)音的聽力~或者是你那次考試只是要試水而已~又或者是你本身已經(jīng)有在講英式發(fā)音了,那你可以做矯正強化的練習,讓自己的發(fā)音更地道。真正為你好,是給你需要的,而不是你想要的。
I have been to many places,but qingdao is the most one.So I’d perfer to talk to talk about ,nowhere else is better than qingdao.I went there in 2008. My friends took me there.Lying on the south coast of the Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao is a city of red-tiled roofs nestled between green hills and blue sea. The mild climate, the bathing beach, and Mount Laoshan make Qingdao a popular health and holiday resort, in summer when visitors come here in droves for and escaping the heat. There are many tourist in Qingdao, including Mount Laoshan, bathing beaches and buildings with European and Japanese style. Many events, such as the Qingdao Beer Festival, the Sea Festival, and Qingdao Arts Festival are held annually, thousands of domestic and overseas visitors。Another reason why Qingdao leaves a deep on me is that i my . I was invited by my friend to visit his hometown, QingDao. I was honored to attend his high school reunion.at the high school reunion, i fell in love with a girl at the very first sight, she is one classmate of my friend.i think that feeling is fantastic very much.then , i has a date with her near the sea,in that day , i said to her" the first time i saw you i knew you are the girl i've been waiting for" i have to say Qingdao is a city for me.
6.雅思口語 最喜歡的*
這是我以前寫的想去的*,給你參考一下,希望對你有用。Well, as I am planning to study in Britain, so let me talk about some thoughts about British culture.When I was a kid, I just know there is such a beautiful country existed, but I didn’t know much detail about it. The first time I began in this country is because my cousin who was study in London. Every year she came back, she would tell my tons of stuff about Britain, like Tower of London, Palace, so on. I was been absorbed by these culture which is totally different from Chinese culture. And when I grow up, I know more about this country. It is the of so many great minds, you know, like , Jane Austin, Alexander Dumas and so on. What else, I guess is because the bands I like. Such as Oasis, Coldplay, blue, Pink Floyd, and Beatles of course. I really like these bands, the strong dynamic and rhythmic.Another thing important to mention here is there are so many would top , like Cambridge, Oxford, LES, Warwick and so on. That’s exactly why I’m planning on studying in UK. In terms of , British people always have been reserve and not opening. But I guess also depend on people. I don’t know much about British food, but I heard fish and chips was pretty popular there.Ok, I guess the further may wait the time I really arrive UK.
7.雅思口語話題 描述a city
Our City I would like to make some to make your first visit to our town a pleasant one. The busiest street in our town is Prospect Avenue. There are many things to do and see in this street.First, you could visit the Art Museum, where an art show is going on.Directly across the street from the Art Museum is the library. If you would like to buy some books you could cross Third Street and go to the book store. It is on the south side of Prospect Avenue. From there, if you would like a snack, you have several choices. west on Prospect Avenue you could visit the ice-cream shop, the bakery, or the candy store. Finally, cross Second Street and enjoy all the unusual animals at the pet store. To find Prospect Avenue from the train station,turn left on Fourth Street and head south. It is just two blocks to the entrance of the Art Museum. I hope you will enjoy your visit!