哈嘍大家好,最近有很多小伙伴向我了解:如何與人溝通和交流技巧英語作文。今天就把如何與人溝通和交流技巧英語作文相關(guān)的幾個問題都整理出來給大家參考下。分別是:如何與人交流,英語作文,怎樣與人溝通 英語作文,怎樣和別人友好交談的英語作文,有關(guān)怎樣與人合作交流的英語作文80詞??
展開全部 How to with people plays a role in our daily life, in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to with people . Effective should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves . Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, on what the speaker says and his point of view. Moreover, we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening. Fourth, place ourselves in the place of others. As far as I'm concerned, I with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not. And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely o(∩_∩)o 如果我的回答對您有幫助,記得采納哦
2.怎樣與人溝通 英語作文
溝通——是人與人之間架起信任友誼的橋梁。因為有了溝通我們才會有這么多情深義重的好朋友;因為有了溝通,我們才會有負責任的家長;因為有了溝通,我們才會懂得感恩! 小時候,我家里很早很早就購進了一臺電腦,而且還上了寬帶網(wǎng)。那時候,爸爸、媽媽上班時,他們就把我鎖在家里,我就像只籠中雞。漸漸地,我開始注意起家里的那臺“鐵家伙”——因為它,爸爸遠隔千里卻能知道外國發(fā)生了什么驚天動地的大事;因為它,爸爸隨時都可以看電影、玩游戲;因為它,媽媽交了那么多的網(wǎng)友。慢慢的,我在其他同學的“指導”下,也玩起了一款叫“傳奇”的網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲,因為我的技術(shù)好,所以,我的級別越來越高。由剛開始的殺雞為生的人變成了一個武林高手。我的技術(shù)好,裝備也好,因此在網(wǎng)絡(luò)里許多人都想“拜我為師”。我小小的虛榮心和自尊心得到了滿足。有時候我輸了一場比賽后,就不斷的買更好的裝備,尋找那個人“報仇”。這樣惡性循環(huán)下去,我便對游戲的癡迷度也越來越高。即使小伙伴在外面玩十分精彩的游戲我也無動于衷。因此,我便使自己陷入了一種寂寞的狀態(tài),使我變成了一個只會玩游戲的人。 幸虧爸爸、媽媽及時發(fā)現(xiàn)了我這一情況,便主動找我談心,鼓勵我說出心里話,這時,我心里的寂寞再也忍不住了,便主動說:“我很孤獨,我想玩電腦游戲。”爸爸、媽媽聽到我說的這些話后,主動為我做思想工作。通過這次談話,我終于明白了——現(xiàn)實生活里的事物也很精彩,依賴這個虛擬世界是弱者的表現(xiàn)。同時,我也明白了爸爸、媽媽的一片苦心。 通過這件事,我明白了溝通是打開心結(jié)的密碼,溝通是人生道路的鋪墊者,因為有溝通才會有我們精彩的今天!希望大家多多溝通,共同創(chuàng)建美好的未來。
How to with my friends?? ? First, you have to make a friend. Look around if there's any one thats spare or just sitting there doing something that interests you, you could go and talk to them and then there would be a big chance for you guys to make friends.? ? Second, once you maked a friend, be nice to him/her and talk to him/her often so both of you won't forget each other.? ? Third, when you are having a really good friend with you now, go out and have some fun to improve your friend ship, it never ends when you communate a lot.
On how to with others. The key factors to to others are not that . For example, if you are facing with a stranger and you really want to make friends with him, in essence a warm heart is needed. What's more, you should be talkative. Nobody wants to feel something for you if you are always silent.
上面如何與人交流,英語作文,怎樣與人溝通 英語作文,怎樣和別人友好交談的英語作文,有關(guān)怎樣與人合作交流的英語作文80詞??就是我對如何與人溝通和交流技巧英語作文整理出來的一些網(wǎng)友的觀點,如果您還有我們疑問,可以與我們客服小姐姐聯(lián)系咨詢!