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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓問答 > 北京英語培訓問答 > 20句旅游英語口語分享


日期:2019-10-18 13:48:36     瀏覽:60    來源:天才領路者
核心提示: 學完這20句旅游英語口語,來一場說走就走的旅行吧,希望對大家的學習有所幫助。 1.Myplaneleavesat7:00tonight.我乘坐今晚7點的飛機。

  學完這20句旅游英語口語,來一場說走就走的旅行吧 ,希望對大家的學習有所幫助。
  1.My plane leaves at 7:00 tonight.我乘坐今晚7點的飛機。
  2.The bus arrives tomorrow at 3:00 in the afteroon.汽車明天下午3點到。arrive:到達
  3.My destination is Beijing,China.我的目的地是北京。
  4.I often go to the airport.我經(jīng)常去機場。
  5.The train station is a dangerous place.火車站是個危險的地方。
  6.Don't forget your passport.不要忘了你的護照。
  7.It's difficult to get an American visa.美國簽證很難拿到。passport:護照visa:簽證
  8.I don't have a driver's license.我沒有駕照。driver's license:駕照
  9.Though international flights are longer than domestic ones,the service is usually much better.雖然國際航班比國內(nèi)航班時間長,飛機上提供的服務通常要比國內(nèi)航班好得多。domestic:國內(nèi)的
  10.If you can ,try to get a layover in Hawaii,you won't be sorry.如果可能的haul,中途在夏威夷layover:臨時滯留,中途下車
  11.I'm supposed to meet my friend at exit A at the bus termianl.我要在汽車終點站的A出口接我的朋友。bus termianl:公共汽車總站
  12.I wish I had enough money to rent a private car.我希望有足夠的錢租輛汽車。private car:私家汽車
  13.I hope that I don't forget to bring my ticket with me tomorrow.希望我明天不要忘了帶票。
  14.I'd like to purchase a one-way ticket to Shanghai ,Please.我想買一張去上海的單程票。
  15.I thought this was supposed to be a round-trip ticket.我還以為這是一張往返票。one-way ticket:單程票


  round-trip ticke:往返票
  16.Most airlines only allow two pieces of baggage per person now.大多數(shù)機場都只允許每位乘客帶兩件行李。baggage:行李
  17.The worst part of flying is when the plane taks off.乘飛機難受的時刻是飛機起飛時。take off:起飛
  18.It's only when the plane lands,that I can finally relax.只有當飛機著陸時,我才能完全放松。land:著陸
  19.If customs hadn't searched my beg,I would have arrived two hours ago.要不是海關檢查行李,我兩小時就到了。customs:海關
  20.If it wren't for the duty-free shops in the airports,there wouldn't be anything to look forward to when flying.要不是機場有免稅商店可逛,乘飛機時就沒什么可盼的了。duty-free:免稅
  Extra Phrases:
  to purchase a ticket 買票
  to pick a suitcase 收拾箱子
  to take a plane/taxi/bus乘坐飛機、出租車、公共汽車
  to go on a vacation 去度假
  to check your passport 檢查護照
  to drop someone off 把某人放下
  to pick someone up 接某人
  business trip 出差
  all expenses paid 一切費用已付
  One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.

