雅思考試考官評分標準中后一項GRA (grammatical range and accuracy),明確考察的是學生寫英語句子多樣性和準確性的能力,即測試考生簡單句和復雜句的綜合運用能力??忌仓谰涫奖磉_要多樣性,但很難參透具體如何操作才能讓自己的句子豐富多樣,結果是普遍句式比較單一,寫到復雜結構時往往就是堆斥各種從句,似乎除了從句再無其它復雜結構可寫。 事實上,劍橋考官的范文中,復雜句的數(shù)量寥寥可數(shù),很多時候都是把簡單句進行了華麗的包裝,今天就來看看考官喜歡的“高分句型”是什么樣的,和你想象的是不是有差距! 1,狀語前置 所謂狀語前置就是把狀語(副詞,介詞短語,分詞,不定式)放到句首。考官會頻繁使用這種語法結構,而很多考生卻沒有意識,這種句式通過一堆長句子中出現(xiàn)一個小短語,可以讓句子產生長短結合的緊湊感,實例如下: 1) Unfortunately, professionals from other fields who makea much greatercontributionto human society, are paid somuch lessthat it is hard to disagree with the statement. 2) Obviously, education systems are basedon thebelief that all children can effectively be taught to acquiredifferent skills. 3) Like self-awareness, thisis also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness. 4) As a result ofmedia attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities. 5) With thepolitical will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. 2,句中插入短語 和狀語前置類似,長句子中間插入一個小短語,可以讓句子讀起來更輕松靈活??脊賹嵗缦拢?#13; 1) This will affect the job market, which,after all, is a key target in any economic plan. 2) Sports stars and popstars, forexample, are soon replaced by the neat younger, more energetic generation. 3) So overall, Ibelieve that, attending schools from a young age is good for most children. 4) Universities, when itis functioning well, should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training 3,倒裝句 這種語法現(xiàn)象考生都學過,但往往在作文中忘記或沒有意識使用。先看兩個例子: 1) Parentsshouldspendtimeontheirchildren.Theyshouldalsocommunicatewiththem. 2 ) Wecanneverlose sightofthesignificanceofeducation.這兩個句子沒有任何錯誤,但都很單調平淡,如果使用倒裝,效果就不一樣了。一句可以用notonlytalso句型來改寫成倒裝句:Notonlyshouldparentsspenttimeontheirchildren,theyarealso advisedtointeractwiththem.第二句可以否定詞提前,強調突出“不可忽視”。 Onnoaccount/byno means/innoway/nevercanwelosesightofthesignificanceofeducation.