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全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京雅思培訓(xùn)問答 > 雅思口語考試必備詞匯-雅思詞匯


日期:2019-09-04 09:33:15     瀏覽:518    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 在雅思口語考試中,有很大幾率被問到有關(guān)“天氣”主題的問題,這個問題可能是問考生所在*/地區(qū)的天氣,或者是問你去過其他*/地區(qū)的天氣。那么我們該怎么回答考官有關(guān)天氣的問題呢,天氣相關(guān)的雅思詞匯你必須懂,然后還有就是雅思

  在雅思口語考試中,有很大幾率被問到有關(guān)“天氣”主題的問題,這個問題可能是問考生所在*/地區(qū)的天氣,或者是問你去過其他*/地區(qū)的天氣。那么我們該怎么回答考官有關(guān)天氣的問題呢,天氣相關(guān)的雅思詞匯你必須懂,然后還有就是雅思風(fēng)格的問答也要懂。   一、部分風(fēng)格的問題:   1、Examiner: What’s the weather like in your country?(雅思考官:你們*的天氣怎么樣?)   luca: It’s quite changeable really … we have periods of time with clear blue skies then all of a sudden we’ll have torrential rain.(盧卡:天氣變化無常........,有時晴空萬里,突然下起傾盆大雨。)   解釋來源雷哥單詞:雅思高頻詞組分類   2、Examiner: Which months have the best weather in your country?  ?。ㄖ骺既耍耗膫€月是你們*好的天氣?)   Ernst: Well … I suppose it’s a matter of personal taste really … I like it around the end of October and November … I’m not fond of the heatwaves we often get during the summer … it’s not freezing cold during these months and we still get lots of sunny spells.  ?。ǘ魉固兀亨拧蚁脒@真的是個人品味的問題……我喜歡10月底和11月底的時候……我不喜歡夏天經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的熱浪……這幾個月天氣不冷,我們還有很多晴天。)   3、xaminer: Does it bother you much when it rains?(Xaminer:下雨的時候你會很煩嗎?)   Junko: It depends … if I get caught in the rain and I get drenched I don’t like it … but I’m a gardener so a drop of rain is good for my plants.   (Junko:要看情況……如果我被雨水淋濕了,我不喜歡它……但我是個園丁,所以一下雨對我的植物有好處。)   第二部分,一般是要你描述你遇到極端天氣的狀況的時間,這個時候你可以這樣搞定雅思考官:   1、這是什么時候   2、你在哪里   3、天氣如何   4、并說出你對這種體驗的感受   I was studying English in a language school a few years ago … we were in Cornwall in the UK … we’d been enjoying lovely sunny days … not a cloud in the sky … when all of a sudden there was a change in the weather … we were in town walking around the shops when it started to pour down … I’d never seen such heavy rain before … within about 10 minutes the roads were full of water … I think they call it a flash flood … it was like being in the middle of a tropical storm … the water was almost up to my knees … the weather forecast hadn’t predicted it so everyone was taken by surprise … I’m not sure you could call it ‘extreme’ weather as a few hours later it started to clear up … the sun came out and slowly the water level went down … but a lot of people’s houses were flooded so it would have been extreme for them … I found it all quite exciting … in my country we generally have a very mild climate and don’t often get floods like this so it was quite an experience for me.   我是幾年前在一個語言學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí)英語……我們在英國康沃爾郡……我們一直在享受陽光明媚的日子……天空中沒有一朵云彩……突然間,天氣發(fā)生了變化……我們在城里逛商店時,突然下起傾盆大雨……我從來沒有見過這樣的大雨。…在大約10分鐘內(nèi),道路上充滿了水……我想他們稱之為山洪……就像是在一場熱帶風(fēng)暴的中間……水幾乎快到我的膝蓋了……天氣預(yù)報沒有預(yù)測到這一點,所以每個人都被嚇了一跳……我不確定你是否可以稱之為“極端”天氣,因為幾個小時后烏云慢慢的消散,太陽出來了,水位慢慢下降了……但是很多人的房子都被水淹沒了,所以對他們來說可能是極端的……我發(fā)現(xiàn)這一切都很令人興奮……在我的*,我們的氣候通常非常溫和,而且不經(jīng)常發(fā)生這樣的洪水,所以這對我來說是一種很好的體驗。   第三部分雅思口語考試風(fēng)格:(篇幅就不帶中文了哦)   Examiner: Do you think the weather affects how people feel?   Tierre: Absolutely … yes … I don’t mind the occasional cold spell but I think the winter months can make you feel down. I hate having to leave the house in the winter … there’s often a thick fog every morning and we sometimes get bitterly cold winds … the winter certainly makes me feel a little depressed … though having said that … it’s always nice to see the town covered in a blanket of snow.   Examiner: Do you think the weather is changing due to global warming?   Ceri: I don’t know if it’s due to global warming or not but the weather in my country is certainly changing … we’ve been getting quite mild winters lately … the temperatures are sometimes below freezing but only occasionally … and then during the summer it can get boiling hot with a lot of older people even suffering from heatstroke.   Examiner: In which ways are weather forecasts useful?   Sinita: Well … if you’re planning a trip or going on holiday it’s important to know whether you’ll need to dress up warm or take an umbrella … farmers need to know what the long-range forecast is so they can plan their work … I suppose people who organise outside events need to know as well in case things get rained off.   雅思高頻詞匯之天氣相關(guān)主題詞匯:    to be below freezing: below zero degrees Celsius    bitterly cold: very cold and unpleasant    a blanket of snow: a complete covering of snow    boiling hot: very hot (informal)    changeable: weather that often changes  

雅思口語考試必備詞匯 雅思詞匯

   a change in the weather: when weather conditions change    clear blue skies: a sky without clouds    to clear up: when clouds or rain disappear    to come out (the sun): when the sun appears out of a cloudy sky    a cold spell: a short period of cold weather    to dress up warm: to wear warm clothes to protect yourself against wintry conditions    a drop of rain: a little bit of rain    a flash flood: a sudden and severe flood    freezing cold: very cold (informal)    to get caught in the rain: to be outside when it rains unexpectedly    to get drenched: to get very wet    heatstroke: a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather    a heatwave: a period of very hot weather    heavy rain: intense rainfall    long-range forecast: the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead    mild climate: a climate without extreme weather conditions    mild winter: a winter that isn’t particularly cold    not a cloud in the sky: see ‘clear blue skies’ above    to pour down: to rain heavily    to be rained off: to be cancelled or postponed due to poor weather    sunny spells: short periods of sunny weather    thick fog: a dense fog that makes visibility very poor    torrential rain: see ‘heavy rain’ above    tropical storm: a storm typical of ones that you find in tropical climates    weather forecast: a TV/radio programme or section in a newspaper/magazine which predicts weather conditions

