

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)問答 > 出國(guó)旅游必備的英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)


日期:2019-08-12 10:02:39     瀏覽:488    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 出國(guó)旅游吃飯必備100句英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ),背完英語(yǔ)棒棒噠! ◆1、PayingbyCash現(xiàn)金支付 Guest:Waiter,thebill,please.服務(wù)員,結(jié)賬。 Waiter:Yes,sir.好

  出國(guó)旅游吃飯必備100句英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ),背完英語(yǔ)棒棒噠!   ◆1、Paying by Cash 現(xiàn)金支付   Guest: Waiter, the bill, please.服務(wù)員,結(jié)賬。   Waiter: Yes, sir.好的,先生。   Waiter: Here is your check/bill, sir. Thank you.先生,這是您的賬單,多謝。   Guest: Here you are.給你。   Waiter: 200 Yuan. Please wait a minute. I'll be right back with your changes and receipt.這里收您200元,請(qǐng)稍等一會(huì),我將很快找回零錢及賬單給您。   Waiter: Here is your changes and your receipt, thank you. Good night. Hope to see you again.多謝,這是找給您的零錢及賬單。晚安,希望您再次光臨。   Guest: Thank you. This is your tip.謝謝!這是給你的小費(fèi)。   Waiter: Thank you, sir. But we don't accept tips./You're very kind. But no, thank you.多謝,先生,但我們不接受小費(fèi)。/不用的,謝謝你的好意。   ◆2、Paying by Credit Card 信用卡付賬   Guest: Check/Take the bill,please.結(jié)賬。   Waiter: Here is your check, sir. Would you like to sign it to your room?這是您的賬單,先生。您想簽單嗎?   Guest: No, I'll just pay in cash. Do you accept U.S. Dollars.不,我付現(xiàn)金,你們收美元嗎?   Waiter: Yes. But we only have Chinese Yuan for change. And the exchange rate is one hundred U.S. Dollar to RMB 804. Do you mind that?是的,但是我們找零只有人民幣,兌換匯率是100美元兌804人民幣,你介意嗎?   Guest: Well. May I use my credit card?那么,可以用信用卡嗎?   Waiter: Yes sure. What kind do you have, sir?當(dāng)然,您有哪種?   Guest: Visa card.維薩卡。   Waiter: Very good, sir. You have a 10% discount for using your visa card.好的,先生。您用維薩卡可以得到10%的優(yōu)惠。   Guest: Thank you. But what's this for?謝謝,但這是什么費(fèi)用?   Waiter: Oh, This is a fifteen percent of surcharge for tax and service.這是加收的15%的稅和服務(wù)費(fèi)。   Guest: Oh. I see. Here you are.我明白了,給你。   Waiter: Thank you. I'll return your visa card and receipt in a few minutes.謝謝,稍等一會(huì)兒,我馬上給回你信用卡賬單。   Waiter: Will you please also sigh on the bill, sir? Thank you. Bye-bye. Have a nice day.請(qǐng)?jiān)趩紊虾灻?,好嗎?謝謝,再見,祝您愉快。   ◆ 3、Sign the Bill 簽字付賬   Waiter: Would you like anything else?您還需要些什么?   Guest: No, thank you. We'll have the bill now.不需要了,謝謝。我們現(xiàn)在要結(jié)賬了。   Waiter: Yes, sir. How would you like to pay for it, sir?好的,先生,您打算怎樣付賬?   Guest: I'd like to put it on my hotel bill.我想把賬記在賬單上。   Guest: What's your room number?請(qǐng)問你的房間號(hào)?   Waiter: 1208.1208。   Waiter: Would you sign your name and room number on the bill, please? And could you show me your room key/hotel passport.請(qǐng)?jiān)谫~單上寫上您的名字和房間號(hào)碼,并且請(qǐng)出示房匙/房卡,好嗎?   Guest: Of course, here you are.當(dāng)然,給你。   Waiter: Could you just sign here, please?您在這簽字好嗎?   Guest: Sure.可以。   Waiter: Thank you. How did you like your meal? Would you please give us your comment about our service and dishes?謝謝。請(qǐng)問你的餐食得怎樣?能否對(duì)我們的服務(wù)或菜式提供寶貴的意見?   Guest: Very nice, very delicious.非常好,非常美味。   ◆ 4、Paying by Traveller's Cheques 用旅行支票付賬   Guest: Waiter, Can I have the bill, please?服務(wù)員,結(jié)賬。   Waiter: Yes, sir.好的,先生。   Guest: Do you accept traveller's cheque?你們收旅行支票嗎?   Waiter: Yes, sir. But could you give me your address and some identification?是的,先生,但是您要出示地址和證件。   Guest: Here is my passport.這是我的護(hù)照。   Waiter: Thank you.謝謝。   Guest: Should I put my name and address on the back of the cheque?我要把名字和地址寫在支票背面嗎?   Waiter: Yes, Would you please sign them in block letters?是的,請(qǐng)用正楷字書寫,好嗎?   Guest: No problem.沒問題。   Waiter: Here are some complimentary vouchers for you. You can pay half of your bill with them, next time you have lunch or dinner in our restaurant. Please pay attention to the usage conditions and expiry date.我們有一些贈(zèng)券發(fā)給您,下次午晚餐時(shí)間您可以結(jié)賬用,請(qǐng)留意使用說明和有效期。   Guest: Thank you very much.多謝。   Waiter: Thank you, sir. Please come again. We look forward to having you with us again.多謝,先生,歡迎下次光臨,我們將期待著您的光臨。   ◆ 5、Using the Vouchers 使用贈(zèng)券   Waiter: Excuse me, sir. Do you need anything else? If not, do you mind if I bring you your bill? It is nearly closing time.對(duì)不起,先生,請(qǐng)問還需要點(diǎn)什么嗎?如果不需要的話,介不介先結(jié)賬呢?因?yàn)榫鸵疥P(guān)門時(shí)間了。   Guest: I'm sorry, check now, please.對(duì)不起,現(xiàn)在結(jié)賬吧。   Waiter: Would you like separate bills or one bill?/Would you like to pay together or separately?請(qǐng)問分單還是一起結(jié)賬。   Guest: Together.一起結(jié)賬。   Waiter: How would you like to pay for it, sir? You may pay cash, credit card, cheque or charge it to your room.您打算怎樣付賬?你可以付現(xiàn)金、信用卡、支票或入房數(shù)。


  Guest: I'd like to pay cash. I have discount card and vouchers here.現(xiàn)金,我這兒有折扣卡和贈(zèng)券。   Waiter: I'm sorry. Discount card and vouchers are not to be used together.對(duì)不起,折扣卡與贈(zèng)券不可以同時(shí)使用。   Guest: Well, use the vouchers first. Do you have more vouchers?那先用贈(zèng)券吧,你們還有贈(zèng)券送嗎?   Waiter: I'm sorry there are no vouchers sent out during the Trade Fair.對(duì)不起,交易會(huì)期間我們不發(fā)贈(zèng)券。   Guest: It's a pity.遺憾。

