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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓問答 > 北京英語培訓問答 > 考研學習英語應該注意哪些高頻詞匯


日期:2019-08-11 14:22:25     瀏覽:360    來源:天才領路者
核心提示: cord/cour/cardi=heart心 ●core;cordial;accord;reconcile ●harmony;record;document;courage ●encourage;

  cord/cour/cardi = heart 心   ● core; cordial; accord; reconcile   ● harmony; record; document; courage   ● encourage; discourage; frustrate; cardinal   注:標星號的詞匯為重點單詞。   1、*core   [k??]   n. 核心,要點,關鍵   The lack of government funding is at the core of the problem.   缺乏*撥款是問題的關鍵所在。   2、cordial   ['k??d??l]   adj. 熱忱的,誠懇的   The talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.   會談在友好的氣氛中進行。   3、*accord   [?'k??d]   v. /n.? 符合,一致;給予   The project is completely in accord with government policy.   該項目完全符合*政策。   according to 根據(jù)   in accordance with 依據(jù),與……一致   accordingly adv. 因此,于是,相應地   4、reconcile   ['rek(?)nsa?l]   v. 使一致,調(diào)和   It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion.   有時很難調(diào)和宗教和科學之間的矛盾。   5、*harmony   ['hɑ?m?n?]   n. 和諧   Imagine a society in which everyone lived together in harmony.   設想一下有這樣一個社會,所有人都和睦地生活在一起。   harmonious adj. 和諧的,和睦的   in harmony (with) 協(xié)調(diào)一致,和睦融洽   6、*record   [r?'k??d ]v.   ['rek??d] n.   vt. 錄(音、像);記錄? n. 記錄;記載   She records everything that happens to her in her diary.   她把發(fā)生在自己身上的一切事情都記在了日記里。   7、*document   ['d?kj?m(?)nt]   vt. 記錄;記載?? n. 文件,文檔   His interest in cars has been well-documented.   他對汽車的興趣在媒體的報道中都有詳細的記載。   documentary? adj. 記錄的,紀實的;文件的? n. 紀錄片   8、*courage   ['k?r?d?]   n. 勇氣,膽量   People should have the courage to stand up for their beliefs.   人們應該有勇氣堅持自己的信仰。   courageous? adj. 勇敢的   brave? adj. 勇敢的   9、*encourage   [?n'k?r?d?]   vt. 鼓勵,激勵;鼓動   When things aren’t going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.   當事情不順利的時候,他鼓勵我,告訴我不要放棄。   10、discourage   [d?s'k?r?d?]   vt. 阻止;使氣餒   Never be discouraged with life.   不要對生活喪失信心。   Low prices discourage industry.   低價阻礙工業(yè)發(fā)展。   11、*frustrate   [fr?'stre?t]   v. 挫敗,阻撓,使懊惱? adj. 挫敗的,無益的   It frustrates me that I’m not able to put any of my ideas into practice.   我苦惱的是我不能將自己的任何想法變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實。   frustration? n. 挫折   12、cardinal   ['kɑ?d(?)n(?)l]   adj. 最重要的;基本的;主要的? n. 紅衣主教   Having clean hands is one of the cardinal rules when preparing food.   雙手潔凈是準備食物時的一項最基本要求。

