小編給大家?guī)?019年初級商務英語閱讀理解試題(12),希望對大家有所幫助。 Achieving a successful merger However attractive the figures may look on paper, in thelong run the success or failure of a merger depends on thehuman factor. When the agreement has been signed and theaccountants have departed, the real problems may only just bebeginning. If there is a culture clash between the two companiesin the way their people work, then all the efforts of the financiersand lawyers to strike a deal may have been in vain. According to Chris Bolton of KS Management Consultants, 70% of mergers fail to live up totheir promise of shareholder value, riot through any failure in economic terms but because theintegration of people is unsuccessful. Corporates, he explains, concentrate their efforts before amerger on legal, technical and financial matters. They employ a range of experts to obtain themost favourable contract possible. But even at these early stages, people issues must be takeninto consideration. The strengths and weaknesses of both organisations should be assessed and, ifit is a merger of equals, then careful thought should be given to which personnel, from which side,should take on the key roles. This was the issue in 2001 when the proposed merger between two pharmaceuticalcompanies promised to create one of the largest players in the industry. For both companies themerger was intended to reverse falling market share and shareholder value. However, although thecompanies' skill bases were compatible, the chief executives of the two companies could not agreewhich of them was to head up the new organisation. This illustrates the need to compromise if amerger is to take place. But even in mergers that do go ahead, there can be culture clashes. One way to avoid this isto work with focus groups to see how employees view the existing culture of their organisation. Inone example, where two global organisations in the food sector were planning to merge, focusgroups discovered that the companies displayed very different profiles. One was sales-focused,knew exactly what it wanted to achieve and pushed initiatives through. The other got involved inlengthy discussions, trying out options methodically and making contingency plans. The firstresponded quickly to changes in the marketplace; the second took longer, but the option iteventually chose was usually the correct one. Neither company's approach would have worked forthe other. The answer is not to adopt one company's approach, or even to try to incorporate everyaspect of both organisations, but to create a totally new culture. This means taking the best fromboth sides and making a new organisation that everyone can accept. Or almost everyone.Inevitably there will be those who cannot adapt to a different culture. Research into the impact ofmergers has found that companies with differing management styles are the ones that need towork hardest at creating a new culture. Another tool that can help to get the right cultural mix is intercultural analysis. This involvescarrying out research that looks at the culture of a company and the business culture of thecountry in which it is based. It identifies how people, money and time are managed in a company,and investigates the business customs of the country and how its politics, economics and historyimpact on the way business is done. 13 According to the text, mergers can encounter problems when A contracts are signed too quickly. B experts cannot predict accurate figures. C conflicting attitudes cannot be resolved. D staff are opposed to the terms of the deal. 14 According to Chris Bolton, what do many organisations do in preparation for a merger? A ensure their interests are represented B give reassurances to shareholders C consider the effect of a merger on employees D analyse the varying strengths of their staff