

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:上海英語提升培訓班 > 上海英語口語培訓班 > 上海一對一英語口語培訓|上海1對1英語口語培訓|上海1對1口語培訓



授課機構: FamilyEnglish

課程價格: 請咨詢客服


上課地址: 請咨詢客服

優(yōu)惠價格: 請咨詢客服



發(fā)布日期:2010-11-05 14:56

One On One English Training
Family English
上海一對一英語培訓One On One English Training
Family English上海一對一英語培訓()是一家全球著名的一對一英語培訓教育機構。公司總部位于*的經濟與金融中心--上海(Shanghai),分中心擴展到了南通、常州、寧波、南京、長沙等*18個城市。我們專業(yè)的培訓方案小組會為您量身定做教學計劃,制定最合適您的培訓課程,實施最有效的一對一授課,讓您在最短的時間內*限度地提高外語應用能力。
Family English One On One English Training()is a global education management company with 18 offices across china: shanghai, Ningbo, Nantong, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Dalian, Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, ingdao, Macau, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Changsha, Zhuhai, Shenyang. Our professional group will make the teaching plan to your measure, choose the courses which are most suitable for you and have the most effective one on one english training for you. All these can help you to improve your English level to the largest extent within the shortest time.
一.培訓形式: Training Form
   Every student will have his own one on oneteacher for each lesson.
二.我們課程的特點:Features of our course
  - 時間靈活: Flexible Time
We will make arrangements for your courses according to your demand.
- 地點靈活: Flexible Place
According to your demand, you can choose to have lessons at one of your favorable places, at your home, in your company or somewhere else that is convenient to you.
  - 量身定做: Flexible Content
We will choose the content of your study, the way to teach and your teacher to your measure.
三.培訓對象: Target Group
Top Management of corporations and senior employees in various industries.
  People who prepare to go abroad, study abroad and immigrant.
  Business people in employment and people from all walks of life who want to seek better career development.
  Students and social people who want to take all kinds of English tests.
  People who want to improve their English levels in a short time.
四. 我們的教材: Our Textbooks
Because we are one on oneEnglish training and the study content of each student is different, we suggest students choose their own textbooks according to their need. Students can also tell teachers the topics they are interested in, so that we can choose the textbooks according to their interest.
五.我們的師資: Our Teacher Group
   Our teachers are not only the professors and experts who are knowledgeable, experienced in teaching, and conversant in culture of east and west, but also the experts who are enthusiastic, modern and have their uniue styles of teaching.

更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優(yōu)惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,請進入 FamilyEnglish網站詳細了解



還沒有找到合適的課程?趕快告訴課程顧問,讓我們顧問馬上聯(lián)系您! 靠譜 的培訓課程,省時又省力!

